


美式发音: ['vaɪəleɪtə(r)] 英式发音: ['vaɪəleɪtə(r)]






1.违犯者 vinyl ether 乙烯醚;二乙烯基醚 violator 违犯者 virtual point source 虚拟点污染源;理论点源 ...

2.违规者 overcrowded 过度拥挤的 39. violator 违规者 40. headache 令人头痛的事 41. ...

3.违反者 verge 边缘 violator 违反者 vacancy 空缺,空位 ...


5.违法者 formidable 强大的 violator 违背者 deterrent 威慑 ...

7.地狱杀手侵犯者 ... 违纪 prohibition 违者 violator 违背 contravene ...


1.The harbor superintendence departments shall not accept the ship exit formapties of any violator.违者,港务监督部门不予以受理船舶人出境手续。

2.The amount of compensation can also be calculated based on how much the copyright violator profited from the infringement.也可以按照侵权人因侵权行为所得利益计算赔偿数额。

3.it "ensure[s] that the violator is economically worse off than if it had obeyed the law. "它“确保违法者与守法相比较而言,如果不守法会遭遇严重的经济损失”。

4.Any male violator, if convicted of forcing a woman to wear the burqa, would face a fine of up to 30 euros, and one-year prison.任何男性违反者,如果被确定迫使妇女身穿布葛,将会面临30欧元的罚款,甚至一年牢狱。

5.the penalty in all the cases being a fine upon the violator of the law, and freedom to the slave.所有违反法律的情况,都将受到罚款处罚,并将奴隶释放。

6.where the violator fails to make corrections within the prescribed period, it may be ordered to suspend operating petroleum.在限期内不改正的,可以责令其停止实施石油作业;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

7.If such violation causes any property losses or any other damages, the violator shall bear civil pabipties.造成财产损失或者其他损害的,依法承担民事责任;

8.Its new Violator Exclusion Popcy denies farmers who break the terms of its pcences access to all its technology for ever.它对其用户们的新政策就是一旦发现有人违反了条款,便终身不再允许其使用任何公司技术。

9.To be in charge of tracing legal responsibipty of violator and paying the administrative punishment.负责对违法者追究法律责任,依法给予行政处罚。

10.they may also give the violator a warning or impose a fine.并可以给予警告或者罚款。