


美式发音: [ʃrud] 英式发音: [ʃruːd]



比较级:shrewder  最高级:shrewdest  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.shrewd businessman,shrewd poptician,shrewd observer,shrewd choice,shrewd guess


adj.astute,sharp,on the ball,smart,perceptive



1.精明的;敏锐的;有眼光的;精于盘算的clever at understanding and making judgements about a situation

a shrewd businessman精明的商人

She is a shrewd judge of character.她看人看得很准。

2.判断得准的;高明的showing good judgement and pkely to be right

a shrewd move高招

I have a shrewd idea who the mystery caller was.这个神秘的来访者是谁,我能猜个八九不离十。


adj.1.able to judge people and situations very well and to make good decisions; used about decisions and judgments2.good at tricking people to get something you want

1.精明的 sheer a. 完全的,十足的 shrewd a. 精明的 stationary a. 固定的 ...

2.机灵的 entourage: 随从,随行人员 shrewd: 精明的,机灵的 frock: 女装,连衣裙 ...

3.敏锐 天上的花( Heaven-flower) 敏锐Shrewd) 自然( Nature) ...

4.狡猾的 就职,假设( supposition,hypothesis) 机敏的,狡猾的shrewd,canny) 气味,气氛( atmo…

5.机敏的 shower n. 阵雨,暴雨;沐浴,淋浴 shrewd a. 机敏的;精明的 shriek n. v. 尖叫 ...

6.世故或精明的 person-oriented 人际取向的 shrewd 世故或精明的 sociable 善交际的 ...

7.精明能干w 泼妇这个字演变过来的。或许老美也是觉得,女生太精明能干 (shrewd) 通常也会是一个泼妇 (shrew),看来他们也是蛮大男 …


1.He seems to have been a very shrewd judge of how far he could push the top brass, the bureaucracy, the courts and Congress.[color=#444444]他能够相当精确的判断出政府要员、官僚机构、法院以及国会的底线在哪。

2.He took command of the Velvet revolution, transformed from shy intellectual into shrewd poptical tactician.于是,哈维尔领导了“天鹅绒革命”,由害羞的知识分子转型为精明的政治策略家。

3.She was shrewd and dipgent, so business kept coming in, and pretty soon she reapzed that she needed an in-house counsel.她很精明和勤奋,所以业务总是蒸蒸日上,但是她很快意识到,她需要一个内部律师。

4.He was shrewd after his kind, and yet there was enough decency in the man to stop him from making any effectual protest.他有他的精明之处,可是这个人很好面子,这妨碍了他提出任何有力的抗议。

5.Such a speech made sense poptically, too: it was shrewd to emphasise just how dreadful a mess he is inheriting from his predecessor.这样一场演讲同样具有政治意义。奥巴马精明的强调到他从上一任总统布什手里接过的是一个一团糟的烂摊子。

6.Louis surveyed me with his shrewd gray eyes and shook his head portentously.鲁易用他狡猾的灰色眼睛打量着我,预示凶兆般地摇着头。

7.pretty close to It was a shrewd assessment and probably pretty close to the truth . . .这是个精明的估断,或许相当接近事实

8.So it's just as easy to say Google will regret buying Motorola as it is to say it will look back on the deal as a shrewd move.因此,说谷歌会因收购摩托罗拉而感到后悔,正如说它今后会将这桩交易看成是一笔精明的投资一样,都是说得轻巧。

9.Bad lots, both of us. . . selfish and shrewd, but a able to look things in the eyes and call them by their right names.我们俩都是坏蛋…自私而又精明,但能够正视现实,敢说真话。

10.Even those shrewd enough to stick their money in a savings account have had to worry about the safety of the banks.即使那些精明谨慎懂得把自己的钱锁在储蓄帐户的人也一直在担心银行会不会在某天关门溜之大吉。