



美式发音: [ˈmɑnjəmənt] 英式发音: [ˈmɒnjʊmənt]



复数:monuments  搭配同义词

adj.+n.ancient monument,national monument

v.+n.build monument,unveil monument,erect monument




n.1.a structure built in a pubpc place to celebrate an important person or event2.a place of historical importance, for example an old building

1.纪念物 attractive 有吸引力的 monuments 纪念碑 bridges 桥 ...

3.纪念建筑物建造itary) 城市美化 (Aesthetics) 纪念建筑物建造 (Monuments) [B1: 区域与职能部门之间的关系] 不同的职能部门参与不同区域的 …

4.纪念性建筑原始文化 41 艺术及其更为复杂社会的发展 45 纪念性建筑monuments)的意义和功能 46 古埃及文明的兴起 49 古埃及艺术 …

5.纪念地有历史学、美学、考古学、科学、民族学和人类学价值的纪念地(Monuments)、建筑群(GroupsofBuildings)和遗址(Sites);自然 …

6.历史遗迹 ... modest a. 中等的 monuments n. 历史遗迹 possibipty n. 可能性 ...

7.纪年碑 turn __7__ war itself( 它自己). )monuments( 纪年碑) )tablets( 石碑,牌匾) ...

8.古迹p. 97. 古迹Monuments)和遗址(Ruins)两个词是有区别的。古迹的覆盖范围包括遗址,而遗址的范围是有限的。


1.It was used for inscription on Egyptian monuments as well as a variety of written texts on papyrus.它既用作埃及纪念碑上的题字,同时又写成纸草文书上的各种文稿。

2."It's the vengeance of the gods, " he said. "The cathedral is falpng and the monuments to the ancient gods are what's causing it to fall. "“这是神明的报复,”他说,“正是这些古代神明的雕塑致使得大教堂面临垮塌的危险。”

3.Now if you are going to look for monuments to the spirit of the Olympic movement, you've got to look elsewhere.假如你想找什么奥运精神的纪念碑,那你恐怕要去别处看看了。

4.The Egyptian pyramids are massive monuments with a square base and four triangular sides rising up to a point.埃及金字塔是巨大的历史遗迹,这是以正方形的为基底、四面成三角形不断上升直到汇聚到一点。

5.Being the last, he said the pressure Tianmen words must win, monuments it presents, which is a leopard.正在最后一把,他才说此次压天门的话必定赢,古迹真的呈现了,天门是豹子。

6.No doubt about it, the Romans built monuments on a more epic scale than any previous Europeans, wowing their "barbarian" neighbors.毫无疑问,罗马人超越了先前所有的欧洲人,创造了一个更为壮丽史诗般的纪念碑,让他们“野蛮的”邻居们拍手叫绝,惊叹不已。

7.The monuments, the streets, seem to be unchanged but the city itself that we wandered through is no longer ours.纪念碑和街道看上去并无变化,但我们正漫步其中的城市本身,它已不再属于我们。

8.let them stand undisturbed as monuments of the safety with which error of opinion may be tolerated where reason is left free to combat it.那就让他们不受干扰而作为对平安的纪念碑吧,因为有了平安,错误的意见就可得到宽容,理性就得以自由地与之抗争。

9.a land founded on extraordinary customs and ritual, celebrated in monuments without equal, preserved in thousands of years of learning.这片土地上传承着超乎寻常的风俗和仪式,竖立着独一无二的丰碑,并且在爱数千年的学习中孕育延续。

10.Mass tourism destroys any monuments and especially Khmer monuments for a very simple reason - the sandstone on which I sit with my nail.众多游客可以毁坏任何纪念碑,尤其是谷美尔人的纪念碑,原因很简单——我脚下踩的这些砂岩。