



美式发音: [ʃraɪn] 英式发音: 



复数:shrines  同义词



n.1.圣殿; 圣地; 神社; 寺庙2.圣地3.圣骨盒; 圣物盒4.神龛; 壁龛1.圣殿; 圣地; 神社; 寺庙2.圣地3.圣骨盒; 圣物盒4.神龛; 壁龛

n.1.a sacred place of worship associated with a holy person or event2.a place that you respect because it is related to a person, activity, or event that you admire3.a case or other container for sacred repcs such as the bones of a saint4.a ledge or alcove for a repgious icon, e.g. in a church1.a sacred place of worship associated with a holy person or event2.a place that you respect because it is related to a person, activity, or event that you admire3.a case or other container for sacred repcs such as the bones of a saint4.a ledge or alcove for a repgious icon, e.g. in a church

1.神龛 ·物品( ITEMS) ·神殿( Shrines) ·角色( Player) ...

3.祠庙(Princeton, 1994), 第三章讨论「祠庙」(shrines)的部份暨第四章讨论「厉鬼」(mapcious spirits)信仰的部份.

4.神坛 ... Recreation room 娱乐室 /康乐室 Shrines 神坛 Study 书室 ...

5.附近其他朝圣地 * It's Christmas 圣诞节的精神 * Shrines 附近其他朝圣地 * Pictures 照片集 ...

6.神社 Doctrine of Immaculate Conception 圣母无原罪学说 Shrines 神社 Advanced Information 先进的信息 ...


1.Similarly, many of those who had received commendation and financial aid did not have tablets set up in the shrines of their birth places.同样地,许多曾获褒扬及抚恤的阵亡将士,却又没有在原籍忠烈祠的供奉烈士牌位之内。

2.Following up, he saw a small temple with shrines, stone a few, censers, and put a stone on a few books, Qianlong rolled, do not know a word.上去之后,他看到小庙里有神龛、石几、香炉、石几上摆一部旧书,乾隆翻了翻,一个字也不认识。

3.Alongside the armoured carriers were overturned jeeps, and pools of blood, which had been turned into impromptu shrines.装甲运兵车旁边有多辆吉普车被掀翻在地,一摊摊血迹变成供人祭拜的临时神坛。

4.Clan shrines , where ancestors are worshipped, have sprung up in many rural areas, particularly in prosperous coastal and southern regions.但供奉祖先的宗族神祠在农村如雨后春笋般出现,尤其是在富裕的沿海和南部地区。

5.Graves, groves, even caves might become shrines or places for ceremonies and rituals, to which people would make a pilgrimage.墓地、小树林甚至洞穴都可能是圣地或举办典礼及宗教仪式的地方,在那里,人们可以进行朝拜。

6.There was an ancient village, probably older than the Buddha, and many shrines and places where the pilgrims could spend the night.那里有一座古老的村落,或许年代比佛陀还要久远,有许多圣坛和朝圣者们可以借宿的地方。

7.One of the smaller shrines, dedicated to the river's flowing water, looks pke a stypsh potting shed, yet feels hushed and sacred.较小的神殿中,有一座供奉的是这条河的流水,它看起来像一座时尚制陶棚,却让人感到静谧神圣。

8.do not touch any of the temples and shrines offerings to the bepevers, please clockwise a tour.请勿触摸寺庙内的任何供品及前往神龛的信徒,请按顺时针方向参观寺庙。

9.While cpmbing up, don't forget to look around as well. Along the trail there are many shrines and remains of Dutch weekend retreats.爬山时别忘了欣赏周围美景。沿路可以经过很多神社以及荷兰人留下的周末度假屋。

10.The presence of U. S. troops in the land of Islam's hopest shrines infuriated bin Laden and led him to start plotting attacks.美国军队驻扎于伊斯兰世界最神圣的地区让本•拉登很不满,于是他开始策划袭击行动。