




1.扑朔 级而上 68. 莘莘( shen 1) 吸乳汁 72. 扑朔shuo 4) 迷离 73. 狂风肆( si 4) ...

2.说说 人口与发展 SCRK 5/5 收获 SHUO 3/25 首都经济贸易大学学报 SDJM 17/20 ...

4.说话 5 说服 shuo1 fu2 1 说话 shuo1 hua4 4 说明 shuo1 ming2 ...

5.黄 蔡 xiaoying shuo 严 fan ...

6.司 [shuo4] 铄 铄 [shuo4] 司 [si1] 私 私 ...

7.勺 Shuo4-[ 朔] Shuo4-[ ] Tian2-[ 田] ...


1.Dongfang Shuo was one of the outstanding comedians in the comic pterary group from Early Qin to Han Dynasty.滑稽家是先秦至汉代文人集团中一个非常有个性的团体。

2.To a few days ago, Wang Shuo also openly said Yang Lan's husband is a "par" and before long, WU Zheng also said the academic was a fake.想在几天之前,王朔还公开说杨澜的丈夫是“骗子”,很久之前,还有人说吴征的学历是假的。

3.Li Shuo was that the best way to stimulate the desire to micro-Bo activities have incentives.李硕认为激发欲望最好得方式就是微博活动得奖励机制。

4.Jiang wrote and directed his first film in 1994, In the Heat of the Sun, adapted from a novel by Wang Shuo.1994年,姜文根据王朔的小说创作并导演了自己的第一部电影-《阳光灿烂的日子》。

5.Where those people were many gossip tube, bu you fen shuo, erbium-doped pushing all the way up to Liu promoted the Church House.那帮人哪里管许多闲话,不由分说,一路推推掺掺把刘景升推进了府堂。

6.The managing editor, Wang Shuo, announced on Twitter that he had quit but did not give a reason.而杂志执行总编王烁也在twitter上宣布辞职,但并未给明理由。

7.It had developed and tended to mature around 1800, marked by the book named "shuo chu" including two articles in 1801.早在1800年前后包世臣的经世思想即已形成并趋于成熟,其标志是1801年他《说储》上下二篇的成书。

8.In order to help Yuanxiao fulfill her duty as a fipal daughter, the scholar Dongfang Shuo came up with a scheme.为了帮助元宵姑娘为父母尽孝,智者东方朔想出了一个计划。

9.Zhao Yi-guang was a distinguished scholar in late Ming Dynasty, and his Shuo Wen Chang Jian is a magnum opus concerning philology.赵宦光是明末著名学者,其《说文长笺》为明代文字学之巨著。

10.But it was really the Internet that salvaged Chinese humor, and especially irony of the embittered sort that Wang Shuo had pioneered.不过,最终还是因特网真正拯救了中国人的幽默感,尤其是由王朔开拓的那类苦涩的反讽。