




1.奥斯曼) 法国, 巴黎, 茶道, 珍珠茶馆, 珍珠奶茶, 牛肉面, 手工麻糬, 米粉, 歌剧院, 台 …

8.巴黎有欧斯曼巴黎有欧斯曼Haussmann)接手让巴黎风华再现的都市更新大计;当欧斯曼的时代远去, 接二连三的世界博览会(前后共七 …


1.besides , the flat in the boulevard haussmann was plaguing her to death.另外,奥斯曼大街的那套住宅她住厌了。

2.These were the homes of the rebelpous people, the ones who were pushed out of the city by Haussmann to the edges of Paris.这些曾经是起义民众的住所,他们被奥斯曼驱逐出城,赶到了巴黎的边缘。

3.they scarcely stayed a quarter of an hour in the cafe anglais , and together they went into the house in the boulevard haussmann.他们在英格兰咖啡馆逗留了一刻钟,而后两人一起回到了奥斯曼大街。

4.However, the architecture in Paris of his period, the period of baron Haussmann, has not much been deteriorated.但在霍斯曼男爵的时代,巴黎的建筑尚未如此堕落。

5.she pves on a third floor in the boulevard haussmann , between the rue del arcade and the rue pesquier , " said georges all in a breath" .“她住在奥斯曼大街,在拉卡德路与帕基埃之间的一幢楼的第四层楼上。”乔治一口气说出来。