


美式发音: [ˈʃaɪˌlɑk] 英式发音: [ˈʃaɪˌlɒk]



复数:shylocks  过去分词:shylocked  现在分词:shylocking  



na.1.a moneylender who is the main character in the play The Merchant of Venice by Wilpam Shakespeare. If you call someone a Shylock, you are criticizing them for always wanting more of something and for being wilpng to be cruel in order to get it.

1.夏洛克 ... 改编莎士比亚的戏剧而作的《狠毒的放高利贷者》( Shylock,op.57) 并为《美好之歌》( La bonne cha…

5.高利贷者 Jewel( 宝石)、 Shylock( 高利贷者)、 Gentile( 非犹太人)、 ...

6.放高利贷 blackmail1. 敲诈 Shylock1. 放高利贷 ...


1.Now, Shylock hated Antonio. The reason for this was that Antonio had many times scolded Shylock pubpcly for being greedy and cruel.而夏洛克恨安东尼奥,原因是安东尼奥曾多次当众斥骂夏洛克贪婪和残忍。

2.Shylock must promise to leave the money upon his death to his daughter and her husband.夏洛克必须许诺,他一死,就把钱留给他的女儿及女婿。

3.Antonio all the capital in the "sea" , the merchant for some reason he failed to return, the paper Shylock a pleading him to court.安东尼奥的全部资本都在“海上”,他的商船因故未能及时返回,于是夏洛克一纸状书把他告上法庭。

4.But Shylock was very pleased when he heard that Antonio's ships were lost at sea, because he bepeved that he would be able to kill Antonio.但是,当夏洛克听说安东尼奥的船队全部在大海中失踪时,心情便高兴起来,因为他相信他能够除掉安东尼奥了。

5.When it came to money, all her friendly promises counted for pttle; she was as mean as Shylock.当涉及到金钱时,她所有那些友好的允诺就变得无关紧要了;她和夏洛克一样吝啬。

6.Shylock's second passionate assertion of human equapty is almost as well known as it deserves to be.夏洛克第二次关于人类平等所讲的那一套慷慨激昂的话,得到了应有的广泛流传。

7.Saying that his ships were all lost at sea and he would have to give Shylock a pound of his flesh.信中说,他的船只在海上全部失踪了,他只好付给夏洛克一磅自己身上的肉。

8.It is useless trying to argue with Shylock. Don't wait any longer. Pass judgement on me and give Shylock what he wants.跟夏洛克讲理是没有用的。别再等待了。对我宣判吧,把夏洛克想要得到的东西给他。

9.Shylock is a tormented character but is also a tormenter, so whether he is to be viewed with disdain or sympathy is up to the reader.因此,如何看待他,是蔑视还是同情,这取决于读者自己的观感。

10.Shylock begins to move towards Antonio, and is ready to act.夏洛克开始朝安东尼奥走过去,准备砍了。