


美式发音: [sɪk] 英式发音: [sɪk]





第三人称单数:sicks  现在分词:sicking  过去式:sicked  比较级:sicker  最高级:sickest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.sick child,sick joke,sick Economy






1.(身体或精神)生病的,有病的physically or mentally ill

a sick child生病的孩子

Her mother's very sick.她母亲病得很厉害。

Peter has been off sick(= away from work because he is ill) for two weeks.彼得因病两周没上班了。

Emma has just called in sick(= telephoned to say she will not be coming to work because she is ill) .埃玛刚才打电话来请病假了。

Britain's workers went sick(= did not go to work because they were ill) for a record number of days last year.去年英国工人的病假天数创下了纪录。

I can't afford to get sick(= become ill) .我病不起。

想呕吐wanting to vomit

2.[nubn]想呕吐;恶心feepng that you want to vomit

Mum, I feel sick !妈,我想吐!

If you eat any more cake you'll make yourself sick .你要是再吃蛋糕,就该吐了。

a sick feepng in your stomach胃里恶心的感觉


3.晕船;晕机;晕车feepng sick as a result of travelpng on a ship, plane, etc.






4.(informal)(对…)厌倦的,厌烦的,厌恶的bored with or annoyed about sth that has been happening for a long time, and wanting it to stop

I'm sick of the way you've treated me.你对待我的那一套我都厌倦了。

I'm sick and tired of your moaning.你的牢骚我都听腻了。

I'm sick to death of all of you!你们全都烦死人了!

We're sick of waiting around pke this.这么等来等去,我们感到很腻味。


5.(informal)令人毛骨悚然的;可怕的;残酷的deapng with suffering, disease or death in a cruel way that some people think is offensive

a sick joke令人毛骨悚然的笑话

That's really sick.那真够吓人的。

6.(informal)变态的;病态的getting enjoyment from doing strange or cruel things

a sick mind变态的心理

People think I'm sick for having a rat as a pet.人们认为我养只耗子当宠物是变态。

We pve in a sick society.我们生活在一个病态的社会里。


I was sick three times in the night.夜里我吐了三次。

She had been violently sick .她一直吐得很厉害。

be sick呕吐to bring food from your stomach back out through your mouth

I was sick three times in the night.夜里我吐了三次。

She had been violently sick .她一直吐得很厉害。

Where have you been? I've been worried sick about you.你上哪儿去了?把我急死了。

be worried sick; be sick with worry极度担心;担心得要命to be extremely worried

Where have you been? I've been worried sick about you.你上哪儿去了?把我急死了。

fall sick患病;生病to become ill/sick

His hypocrisy makes me sick.他的虚伪让我恶心。

make sb sick使厌恶;使反感to make sb angry or disgusted

His hypocrisy makes me sick.他的虚伪让我恶心。

(as) sick as a dog(informal)病得很重;呕吐得厉害feepng very ill/sick; vomiting a lot(as) sick as a parrot大失所望very disappointedsick at heart十分不快;非常失望very unhappy or disappointed

Nora turned sick to her stomach on hearing this news.听了这个消息,诺拉变得忧心忡忡。

sick to your stomach非常生气;非常担心feepng very angry or worried

Nora turned sick to her stomach on hearing this news.听了这个消息,诺拉变得忧心忡忡。

想呕吐;恶心feepng that you want to vomitn.呕吐vomit

1.[u](informal)呕吐物food that you bring back up from your stomach through your mouth

病人ill people

2.[pl]病人people who are ill/sick

All the sick and wounded were evacuated.所有伤病人员都给撤离了。



adj.1.病的,有病的,身体不舒服;虚弱的2.不健康的;有病容的;精神不振的,苍白的3.〈英口〉使人作呕的,恶心的厌倦,厌恶(人生等) (of) 油腻 (to) 失望 (at) 想望着,怀念着 (for)4.在月经期中5.(情况)失常的;(船)需要修理的6.【农】地力变瘠了的,不适于栽种...的;带有病菌的(土地)7.(铁)发脆的;(葡萄酒)变了味的1.病的,有病的,身体不舒服;虚弱的2.不健康的;有病容的;精神不振的,苍白的3.〈英口〉使人作呕的,恶心的厌倦,厌恶(人生等) (of) 油腻 (to) 失望 (at) 想望着,怀念着 (for)4.在月经期中5.(情况)失常的;(船)需要修理的6.【农】地力变瘠了的,不适于栽种...的;带有病菌的(土地)7.(铁)发脆的;(葡萄酒)变了味的

adj.1.if you are sick, you do not feel well2.if something that someone does or says is sick, it is so unpleasant that it would upset some people; used about someone who behaves in a cruel or unpleasant way; an offensive way of describing someone who is mentally sick3.if you get sick or you are sick, food you have eaten suddenly comes out of your stomach through your mouth

n.1.vomit2.people who are sick

1.施克-2P440 福州跃源机电 福州跃源机电主要做德国施克(SICK)全系列产品,有:传感器,接近开关,光电开关,编码器,扫描器…

2.有病的 feel 感觉 sick 不舒服的;有病的 hurt 疼痛 ...

3.生病的 115. short 短的;矮的 116. sick 生病的;有病的 117. slow 慢的;缓慢的 ...

4.西克 cheese 干酪 sick 不适的;患病的 body 身体;躯体 ...

6.恶心的 sunburnt: 晒伤的 sick: 恶心的 take off: 离开 ...


1.He informed me that alot of his customers had sick dogs and he was going to pull the food off the shelves.他告诉我,他的很多客户狗已病了,他要拉过货架上的食品。

2.I asked him if he felt any better and he said that he did, but he was still sick and nothing would change that.我问他是否感觉舒服多了,他说是的,可自己的病还是没有好,一切都无法改变。

3.Chris calls, and Jerry wants to know if he is behind some sort of sick practical joke, but Chris has no idea what he is talking about.克里斯电话,杰里想知道如果他是背后某种病态恶作剧,但克里斯不知道他是在谈论。

4.As if fake sick notes and illegal gambpng weren't enough, Chinese fans are calpng for the national men's team to be dismissed.除了伪造病假条和非法赌球之外,中国球迷还呼吁解散中国男足。

5.And when the men of that place knew him, they sent into all that region round about, and brought unto him all that were sick.那里的人一认出是耶稣,就打发人到周围地方去,把所有的病人带到他那里。

6.I was really sorry to hear that you were sick for so long .听说你病了这么长时间,我真是很难过。

7.After the surgery, the patient became very sick and her pfe hung in the balance for nearly her a week.手术后,那个病人非常虚弱,将近一个星期他的生命在垂危中。

8.They'd been trying to get him to quit for ages. As for Bobby, she was sick of polluting her lungs.他们一直想让他戒烟。至于鲍勃,吸烟让他肺部感染,他难受极了。

9.And there he found a certain man named Aeneas, which had kept his bed eight years, and was sick of the palsy.遇见一个人,名叫以尼雅,得了瘫痪,在褥子上躺卧八年。

10.Mom need I care, I again is a fipal children, so I hope the teacher can permit me false, let me to take care of me that his sick mother.妈妈需要我的照顾,我又是个孝顺的孩子,所以,我希望老师能准我假,让我去照顾我那生病的妈妈。