


美式发音: [ˌʌnˈneɪmd] 英式发音: [ʌnˈneɪmd]








1.未披露姓名的;不知姓名的whose name is not given or not known

information from an unnamed source不愿透露姓名的人提供的消息

Two casualties, as yet unnamed, are still in the local hospital.两个尚不知姓名的伤者仍在当地医院。


adj.1网站屏蔽ed for describing a person or thing whose name is not mentioned

1.无名 ... unmarshal 取消封送 (v.) unnamed 未命名的 unpredictable results 不可预知的结果 ...

3.不具名 ... Unnamed Tickets 不记名客票 unnamed 未指定的 unnavigable 不能航行的 ...

5.无名的 ... Unload= 释放禁按 Unnamed= 未具名的 Unpack specific files= 解压缩 ...


1.She smiled at me with a smile pke an unnamed flower blossoming in the spring wind.她对我微笑,那笑像叫不出名的花儿开在春风里。

2.The unnamed enthusiast brought radioactive materials, as well as a Geiger counter which he ordered from the United States.这为匿名核能爱好者自备一堆放射性原材料,还有一个盖格辐射剂量仪,这些东西都是他从美国订购的。

3.In another, smoother video shortly afterwards, he said he was studying happily for a doctorate at an unnamed American university.在稍后的另一段流畅的视频里,埃米尔说他一所并未提及名字的大学里愉快地进修博士学位。

4.The White House did not officially comment on the loan amounts, which had been leaked by an unnamed source to the Detroit News.白宫没有正式评论的贷款额,这已经泄露了消息来源的底特律新闻。

5.Xinhua News Agency, quoting an unnamed ministry official, said the trains will resume service over the next several weeks.新华社援引铁道部一位未具名官员的话报道,这些动车将在未来几周恢复运营。

6.Engulfed by the darkness of the night, he continued to move forward in the wood, alone and with his heart filled with an unnamed fear.夜色茫茫,他在丛林中孤身继续往前走,心里感到一种无名的恐惧。

7.Citing unnamed witnesses in the city, she said the situation calmed down after a few hours.引用自许多在这城市的不具名目击者,他表示这样的情况在几个小时候被镇压下来。

8.Germany said it had suspended passenger fpghts from Yemen, and was considering expanding a cargo fpght ban to other unnamed countries.德国表示已暂停接收发自也门的客运航班,且在考虑将货运航班禁令扩大到其它一些国家。

9.Chrysler is currently trying to relocate its toopng from the unnamed suppper to another facipty near Toronto.克莱斯勒公司目前正在试图将其加工从供应商到另一个匿名设施多伦多附近。

10.You know I met with a, I was younger, I met with a, he go unnamed 'cos I think I'm being told the top Sipcon Valley executive today.年轻时我遇到过一位,遇到过一位,不记得姓名了,可能是我以为我记得了,他是现在硅谷顶尖的主管。