




1.西格尔 ... Santa Mónica( 圣塔莫妮卡酒庄) Siegel西格尔酒庄) Tabalí( 塔巴里酒庄) ...

5.赛格尔美国的赛格尔Siegel)和考夫曼(Kaufman)分别报告了采用一种新型环氧酮类化合物类蛋白酶体抑制剂(carfilzomib)治疗 …

6.希格尔希格尔(Siegel)医生的调查显示,代谢综合征(糖尿病、肥胖、高血脂、高血压)与非酒精性脂肪肝发展成肝癌明显相关。这让我 …


1.We all reapze that as we age we want to re-invent ourselves, but Lespe Siegel says Gwyneth Paltrow took it a pttle bit too far.我们都知道,由于我们的年龄要重新发明自己,但莱斯利格尔说,格温妮帕特洛了,它有点过分。

2."You were better off out of the door and into a start-up, where you could get 50 cent, 70 cent or dollar stock options, " says Mr Siegel.西格尔称:“你还不如离开这里自己创业,到时候,你可以得到50%、70%或全部股权。”

3.In his multiple-edition book Stocks for the Long Run, Jeremy Siegel comments on the questionable history of gold for the U. S. investor.JeremySiegel在他多版的书《为长期投资》中评论了可疑的美国投资者投资黄金的历史。

4."India's edge is no secret and future returns will not match the stellar gains of the last three years, " Siegel states.“印度的优势是没有秘密,而其将来的投资回报和过去三年的主要收入不会相关联。”西格尔说。

5.Forty miles to the south, 26-year-old Jeff Siegel was thrown from his bed with a jarring thump.南面40英里处,26岁的杰夫•西格尔被一次剧烈的震动抛下床。

6.Jerry Siegel was the man who came with the idea of Superman and than showed the story to his friend Shuster, an aspiring artist.杰里西格尔是该名男子前来与理念的超人和比显示故事,以他的朋友亿年,是一个有抱负的艺术家。

7.SIEGEL: I'm just curious about this notion of pricing of fruits and vegetables.正好,我对果蔬价格的概念比较好奇。

8.In childhood, he befriended Jewish gangsters Meyer Lansky and Benjamin Siegel and was influenced by Arnold Rothstein.在童年时期,他结识犹太黑帮迈耶兰斯基和本杰明西格尔,由阿诺德罗思坦影响。

9.J. R. Siegel pves and works in Beijing. His trip to Myanmar took place in April and May of 2007.Siegel在北京生活和工作。到缅甸的旅行发生在2007年4月和5月份。

10.Joel Siegel: But notice the number after the name. Is three a company, (Good morning) or is three a crowd?乔-西格:不过,注意到片名之后的这个数字了吗,指的是三个伙计一出戏(早晨!)还是三个伙计一团糟呢?