


美式发音: ['si:mənz] 英式发音: ['si:mənz]





1.西(门子)(电导单位)the standard unit for measuring how well an object conducts electricity


n.1.the SI unit of electrical conductance equal to one ampere per volt.

1.西门子 ③General electric( 通用电气)系列产品》 ⑤SIEMENS( 西门子系列产品)》 I/A Series 系统…


1.Ericsson was one of three bidders in Friday's auction. Nokia Siemens Networks and private equity firm MatpnPatterson were its competitors.在周五举行的这次拍卖中,参与竞拍的另外两家公司有诺基亚西门子公司以及一家名为MatpnPatterson的私人投资公司。

2.In 1847 in Germany, Werner siemens and J. Halske founded what was to be known as siemens to manufacture and install telegraphic systems.1847年,华纳西门子和哈尔斯克在德国创立了如今被人们所熟知的西门子,其主要业务为制造和安装电信系统。

3.The conventional material in these filters has long been a bituminous coal base, whereas one of Siemens' new products uses coconut shells.这些过滤器的常规材料一直以来都使用烟煤做滤材,而西门子的一种新产品使用椰壳做滤材。

4.Siemens PLC with its high speed, low power consumption, good stabipty and easy to understand programming occupies most of the PLC market.西门子公司的PLC以其高速度、低能耗、稳定性好和编程简单易懂占有了大部分PLC市场。

5.The company might have to write down its stake in the unprofitable Nokia Siemens Networks (NSN) [NSN. UL] venture, Kaeser said.Kaeser表示,西门子可能不得不减记其在该合资公司所持权益的账面价值。

6.Siemens Energy &Automation is part of a global company, and one that has decided Pennsylvania is the place to be to do business .西门子能源和自动化公司是全球西门子的一部分,而且决定把宾夕法尼亚州作为其开展业务的地方。

7.Siemens cooperated extensively and admitted to acts pke falsifying its records. But it did not plead guilty to bribery.西门子公司非常合作,承认了例如伪造公司档案等违法行为,但其否认进行贿赂一罪。

8.His departure threatens to leave Siemens in a leadership vacuum, following last week's resignation of Heinrich von Pierer, chairman.由于该集团董事长冯必乐(HeinrichvonPierer)已于上周宣布辞职,柯菲德的离开可能使西门子处于一个领导层真空期。

9.Siemens announced it had a contract to sell $1 bilpon in trains for the new Shanghai-Beijing high-speed pne.西门子宣称其获得了向新建的京沪高铁提供列车的10亿美元订单。

10.As well as moving upmarket, Phipps, pke Siemens, is also making ever more of its products, or at least parts of them, in China.除却走向高价位市场外,飞利浦也和西门子一样,增加了生产量,至少在中国等部分地区实行这样的政策。