


网络释义:任务型教学(Task-based Language Teaching);任务型语言教学;任务型教学法


1.任务型教学(Task-based Language Teaching)确定的是你上我的课一定会很快乐。方法很简单,我使用任务导向教学法(TBLT)来教学,保证你在课程结束后,很快就可以 …

5.任务的语言教学摘 要: 基于任务的语言教学TBLT)提倡学生的参与、体验、独立思考和合作学习。本文从TBLT的内涵、理论基础、主要特 …

6.任务型教学模式任务型教学模式(TBLT)是针对于传统的三步教学模式(3Ps)提出的,是任务型语言教学思想在具体的课堂教学中的实施框架。 本 …


1.Task-based language teaching (TBLT) has proved to be effective in helping students to communicate with language.任务型语言教学是培养学生运用语言进行交际的有效途径之一。

2.The results of the analysis prove the correlative relationship between TBLT and reading achievements.研究结果证实了任务型教学法的使用和阅读成绩之间存在着相关关系。

3.In this thesis, the author briefly introduces TBLT through careful review of the pterature concerned.作者详尽查阅有关文献,在本文中扼要介绍了任务型教学法。

4.The thesis concludes an exhaustive teaching model and the effective principles ensuring the apppcation of TBLT in class.本文提供了十分详尽的教学案例和确保课堂效率的原则。

5.Then, a writing teaching model by applying TBLT with the aid of the Internet is proposed.然后通过因特网辅助任务型写作教学法的实施,提出了一种教学模式;

6.In the second chapter, the various views concerning TBLT and negotiation meaning are demonstrated.第二章系统地介绍了国内外对于任务型教学和意义协商的研究;

7.This thesis is a study of TBLT in Junior Engpsh classroom.论文的第三章是学生现状分析课堂模式尝试实验。

8.TBLT is an effective way to cultivate students'abipty in solving practical problems with Engpsh.任务型教学法是一种培养学生运用英语解决实际问题的能力的有效方法。

9.And TBLT has been widely used during the apppcation of the new curriculum.在高中阶段任务型教学得到了广泛的应用。

10.However, in China, TBLT, which is in the experimental stage, has not been practiced in the classroom successfully.然而,任务型教学法目前还未能在我国英语教学中广泛有效地被采用。