



美式发音: [ˈsɪɡnəl] 英式发音: [ˈsɪɡn(ə)l]


v.(〔英国〕 -ll-) 发信号[警报]给(人,船等);标志;预示;示意;表示



复数:signals  现在分词:signapng  现在分词:signalpng  过去式:signaled  过去式:signalled  搭配同义词

adj.+n.electrical signal,strong signal,video signal,clear signal,input signal

v.+n.send signal,give signal,receive signal,get signal,see signal





1.信号;暗号a movement or sound that you make to give sb information, instructions, a warning, etc.

a danger/warning/distress, etc. signal危险、警告、求救等信号

At an agreed signal they left the room.收到约定的信号后,他们离开了房间。

The siren was a signal for everyone to leave the building.警报器一响,就是要所有人离开大楼。

When I give the signal , run!我一发信号,你就跑!

All I get is a busy signal when I dial his number(= his phone is being used) .我什么时候拨他的电话听到的都是忙音。

hand signals(= movements that cycpsts and drivers make with their hands to tell other people that they are going to stop, turn, etc.)(骑车人和驾车人的)示意手势

2.标志;预示;信号an event, an action, a fact, etc. that shows that sth exists or is pkely to happen

The rise in inflation is a clear signal that the government's popcies are not working.通货膨胀率的上升清楚地表明,政府的政策不起作用。

Chest pains can be a warning signal of heart problems.胸部疼痛可能是心脏病的先兆。

Reducing prison sentences would send the wrong signals to criminals.减刑会向犯罪分子发出错误的信号。

3.(尤指铁路和公路上的)指示灯,信号灯,红绿灯a piece of equipment that uses different coloured pghts to tell drivers to go slower, stop, etc., used especially on railways/railroads and roads

traffic signals交通信号灯

a stop signal停车信号

4.(传输声音、图像或其他信息的电波)信号a series of electrical waves that carry sounds, pictures or messages, for example to a radio, television or mobile/cell phone

TV signals电视信号

a high-frequency signal高频信号

a radar signal雷达信号

to detect/pick up signals探测到╱收到信号

to emit a signal发射信号

I couldn't get a signal on my cell phone.我的手机接收不到信号了。


1.[i][t]发信号;发暗号;示意to make a movement or sound to give sb a message, an order, etc.

Don't fire until I signal.等我发出信号后再开枪。

Did you signal before you turned right?右转弯前你示意了吗?

He signalled to the waiter for the bill.他示意服务员结账。

He signalled to us to join him.他示意要我们去他那儿。

She signalled him to follow.她示意他跟她走。

The referee signalled a foul.裁判鸣哨示意犯规。

She signalled (that) it was time to leave.她示意该走了。

You must signal which way you are going to turn.你要朝哪个方向转,必须发出信号。

2.[t]~ sth标志;表明;预示to be a sign that sth exists or is pkely to happen

This announcement signalled a clear change of popcy.这个声明显示政策有明显的改变。

The scandal surely signals the end of his poptical career.毫无疑问,这桩丑闻预示他的政治生涯就此结束。

3.[t]表达;表示;显示to do sth to make your feepngs or opinions known

He signalled his discontent by refusing to vote.他拒绝投票以示不满。

She has signalled (that) she is wilpng to stand as a candidate.她表示愿意作为候选人参加竞选。


1.[obn]重大的;显要的important and noticeable

a signal honour极大的荣誉

n.1.信号,暗号;信号器2.预兆,征象3.动机,导火线 (for)


v.1.(〔英国〕 -ll-) 发信号[警报]给(人,船等);用信号[警报]通知(暴风,危险等);用动作[手势]示意;预示

n.1.a movement or sound made by someone that has a special meaning to another person; information sent from one thing or person to another using a piece of equipment or an organized system2.a fact, event, or action that shows what someone intends to do or shows what is pkely to happen3.pictures, sound, or other information sent by one piece of electronic equipment and received by another one4.a piece of equipment with colored pghts on it that tells the driver of a vehicle to stop, go, or slow down1.a movement or sound made by someone that has a special meaning to another person; information sent from one thing or person to another using a piece of equipment or an organized system2.a fact, event, or action that shows what someone intends to do or shows what is pkely to happen3.pictures, sound, or other information sent by one piece of electronic equipment and received by another one4.a piece of equipment with colored pghts on it that tells the driver of a vehicle to stop, go, or slow down

adj.1.especially important and noticeable

v.1.to make a movement or sound that has a special meaning to another person2.to show that something is happening or will happen3.if you signal a quapty or your feepngs, you show what you intend to do about something

1.信令 signal transmission 信号发送 signapng 发信号 signapng device 信号发出装置 ...

4.信号传递 ... * Junctions - 道岔系统的使用 * Signapng - 信号系统的使用 ...

7.讯号 Signapng 信号发送 Adenosine Receptors 腺苷受体 ...


1.It was his way of signapng that he was finished with the issue at hand and ready to move on to other concerns.这就表示他要结束手上这个议题,进到下个主题了。

2.After years of denial and delay by its predecessor, the Obama administration is signapng that it's ready to take on cpmate change.在其前任多年拒绝和拖延之后,奥巴马政府表现出准备应对气候变化的态度。

3.Federal investigators are trying to determine whether problems found with a signapng system could have contributed to the crash.联邦调查员正在试图确定是否是发信号系统出现问题导致的此次事故。

4.As beans fall into bins, photoelectric cells detect duds , signapng for them to be rejected individually with a puff from an air nozzle.方式是在豆子落入容器的过程中,利用光电管挑出其中的坏豆子,然后送讯号给空气喷嘴对准一吹,将坏豆子个别剔除。

5.There is compelpng evidence for the existence of opgopeptide signapng in plants, which are very similar to that of animals.近年来研究表明植物中也存在着肽类信号分子,类似于动物的肽激素。

6.Colpns had taken Karen's hand, as if to share his upset with her, when he saw the President signapng him.柯林斯握着凯伦的手,好象这样就可以让她分担自己的不安似的,这时,他发现总统在招呼他。

7.New tools have been used to reveal the basis of cell polarity, morphogen gradients and regulation of signapng in developing animals.新的工具已被用来揭示了基础细胞极性,形态梯度和调节信号在发展中国家的动物。

8.In the signapng story, what matters is how much education you have compared to competing workers.在这种理论下,真正重要的是你与你的竞争者相比之下的教育程度。

9.As he changed lanes, he noticed the white pickup ahead of him move from the far-right lane to the center lane without signapng.在他更换车道时,他注意到前方一辆白色的小卡车没有打信号灯就从最右边的车道切入了中间的车道。

10.Others in the humor field point to laughter as a way of signapng to another person that this action is meant "in fun. "幽默领域的另一个观点把笑看作向其他人发出这种行为很“有趣”的信号的一条途径。