



美式发音: [pɑlm, pɑm] 英式发音: [pɑːm]




复数:palms  现在分词:palming  过去式:palmed  




n.1.the inside part of your hand, between your fingers and your wrist2.a palm tree, or a large plant similar to a palm tree

v.1.to take and hide something in the palm of your hand

1.掌心 (sacrum 骶骨) (palms 掌心) (bottom 臀部) ...

2.棕榈树 4.A cook book. 烹饪书。 2.Palms棕榈树。 1.The whole world. 整个世界。 ...

3.棕榈酒店 The orleans 新奥尔良酒店 Palms 棕榈酒店 Paris 巴黎酒店 ...

4.手掌 混乱 Tangled 29片棕榈叶 29 Palms 焦头烂额 Scorched ...

6.棕榈植物带植被知道极少(南美北部、中非和印度),它们主要由棕榈植物palms)和山龙眼植物(proteas)占优势,松柏类植物如 …

7.棕榈科植物(八)棕榈科植物(Palms) 全世界约有3300 种以上。包括黄椰子、红椰子、观音棕竹,扇椰子、夏威夷椰子,袖珍椰子、槟榔…


1.I would have never let the city get into such a bind if I was governor ! Perhaps a few palms need to be greased to gain favor then?如果我是统治者,我就永远不会让城市陷于这样的境地!那些本不该获得上天垂青的人用了那么多卑鄙的手段来达到它这显赫的地位。

2.After staring at it blankly for almost a full minute, he closes his eyes and pushes the palms of his hands against his forehead.他眼也不眨地盯着看了一分钟,然后闭上眼,拿手掌抵在额头上。

3.Then exhale as you lower your hand, palms down in front of you.然后呼气,随之手放下,手心向内。

4.And she had long arms but short palms and fingers which were flexible, allowing her to support her body weight on her palms.她有着长长的上臂,手掌和手指短而灵活,她可以用手掌支撑体重。

5.Receiver Now i what you to hold your hands out in front of you, with both palms facing.接收者现在我要你在你前面握着你的双手,手掌心相贴。

6.He who would gather immortal palms not be hindered by the name of goodness, but must explore if it be goodness.谁想获得永恒的桂冠就不能被虚假的善所阻碍,而须探究这是否是真善。

7.Jake puts out his hands and the tendrils play over his fingers, his palms, his forearms.杰克伸出他的双手,卷须在他的手指、手掌和前臂上轻快地跳动。

8.His palms were all skin and bones, that was why I said they resembled worn-out palm-leaf fans.我说他这对手像破蒲扇,因为手掌瘦得只剩下一根根骨头。

9.Her skin was pink and tender, and a pale milky fluid was leaking from her cracked palms, but her burns were heapng.她的皮肤变得粉红而又娇嫩,一丝淡淡的乳白色液体从她碎裂的手掌中渗漏出来,但是她烫伤的部位在逐渐愈合。

10.The stems of any of these palms, used to make wickerwork, canes, and furniture.白藤茎这种爬行植物的茎,用来制作柳条制品,拐棍和家俱。