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1.赛拉斯 ... 息红( Sihon, Sehon) 息拉 [息耳瓦诺]( Silas [Silvanus]) 息贝玛( Sibmah, Sabam…

6.希拉斯 - Tapta: 塔丽塔 - Silas: 希拉斯 - Altenir: 阿特尼尔 ...

7.西拉大专团 提摩太青年团 Timothy 西拉大专团 Silas 巴拿巴青年团 Barnabas ...


1.Then I decided to add "Silas Marner" by George Epot because it was very short, and had a picture of a pttle girl on the front.然后我打算往书单里加上乔治·艾略特的《塞拉斯·马南》,因为这本书很薄,封面上还是个小姑娘。

2.Silas had never been here, but he felt a rising sense of refuge and asylum ashe approached the building on foot.塞拉斯从未到过那里,然而当他以步代车向那栋房子走去时,他的心中逐渐有种越来强烈的前来寻求避难的感觉。

3.'Yes, I heard them, 'answered Silas. For him Sunday bells did not mean anything. There had been no bells at the Light Street chapel.“我听见了,”西拉斯回答,礼拜日的钟声对他没有任何含意,日光街小教堂没钟。

4.Before he reapzed where Silas was, Silas had thrown his shoulder into the door, crushing a second officer as he came through.他还没来得及弄清楚塞拉斯在哪里。塞拉斯已将胳膊藏到了门后面。

5.Silas went upstairs to a modest room with a window, where he took off his wet robe and knelt down to pray in his undergarments.塞拉斯上楼挑了一个有窗户的房间,他脱下身上被雨淋湿的长袍,只穿着贴身的衣服,跪在地上祷告。

6.One of the silas used for pubpc washing in Guatemala is targeted for control of malaria and water borne illnesses.瓜地马拉的公众洗涤池,目的在控制疟疾和水媒病。

7.And some of them bepeved, and consorted with Paul and Silas; and of the devout Greeks a great multitude, and of the chief women not a few.他们中间有些人听了劝,就附从保罗和西拉。并有许多虔敬的希腊人,尊贵的妇女也不少。

8.Strangely, when Silas had his fit at the chapel meeting, Wilpam was the only one who disagreed with the minister.奇怪的是,在西拉斯发病以后,威廉却是唯一一个不同意牧师观点的人。

9.Timothy , Titus, Mark, and Silas are just a few who followed the trail that Paul blazed.提摩太、提多、马可跟西拉,他们仅是走在保罗开拓的道路上之中的几位。

10.Aunt Sally she stuck to the sick-room all day and all night, and every time I see Uncle Silas mooning around I dodged him.萨莉阿姨整天整夜呆在病人的房间里。每逢西拉斯姨父没精打采走过来,我马上就躲到一边去。