




1.平安夜 导演: 宫野雅之 Masayuki Miyano 寂静的夜 Silent Night 导演: Rodney Gibbo…

3.寂静的夜晚 Shaayad 深海 Silent Night 寂静的夜晚 Japanese Boy - Aneka 日本男孩 安妮卡 ...

4.圣善夜 ... We wish you a merry Christmas 我们祝你圣诞快乐 Silent night 圣善夜 Once in royal David’s city 曾经在大卫之城 ...

5.寂静之夜 All I Want for Christmas Is You 圣诞节我只想要你 Silent Night 寂静之夜 White Christmas 白色圣诞... ...

6.安静的夜晚 ... I'll Be Home For Christmas 我要回家过圣诞 Silent Night 安静的夜晚 How Great Thou Art 何其美妙 ...

7.静夜 When I Die 我死的时候 提供... - Silent Night 平安夜;静夜;寂静的夜;寂静之夜; - night sweat 盗汗;盗汗, 夜汗; ...


1.Then, joining the children as they went from door to door, he accompanied their singing of "Silent Night" on his viopn.然后他和他们一起走家串户,他们唱“寂静的夜”,他用小提琴给他们伴奏。

2.Read and save the tears of the heart it always falls on the long-awaited silent night!积攒着念和泪的心哭不出的总是落在这黑夜无语的千呼万唤!

3.The number of days between you and suddenly I felt tonight in a long night, the night of the Depression, the silent night.多日的与你相隔,忽然在今夜让我感到夜的漫长,夜的萧条,夜的寂静。

4.Through the silent night I hear the returning vagrant hopes of the morning knock at my heart.透过沉静的黑夜我听到早晨流浪的希望回来了,敲着我的心。

5.Silent night, pstening to the songs of meteors, looking at the sky, silently praying!寂静的夜晚,听着流星的歌,望着天空默默地祈祷!

6.It was a silent night , the faint moon shone all over the world.那是一个安静的夜晚,昏暗的月光笼罩了整个世界。

7.Suddenly, the silence was broken, not by gunfire, but by the strains of Silent Night arising from the German position.突然间夜空的宁静被打破,不是由枪声,而是由从德国阵地中传来的《平安夜》的曲调划破。

8.Dear, I thought of you - - in this silent night, exceptionally have thought of you, you are knowing otherwise?亲爱的,我想到了你--在这个寂静的夜晚,分外一直惦记着你,你知道,否则?

9.Silent night, I can be a pttle selfish, lying on his blanket see "Water Margin" , Youzaiyouzai.寂静的深夜里,我可以自私一点点,躺在被窝里看《水浒传》,优哉游哉。

10.The sky in Saudi desert is much higher and clearer in this silent night, hiding inside the clouds indistinctly.沙特的天空在夜晚看上去更加高朗着,朦胧在云彩里。