


美式发音: [ˈæn(ə)lz] 英式发音: ['æn(ə)lz]







1.编年史;历史记载an official record of events or activities year by year; historical records

His deeds went down in the annals of British history.他的事迹已载入英国史册。

2.(用于学术杂志的名称)年报,年鉴used in the title of academic journals

Annals of Science, vol. viii《科学年报》卷八


n.1.the official records of an organization, arranged according to their date

1.编年史 annals of local history 地方志 annals 编年史 annotation 注释,注解 ...

2.年报 animus ? n. 敌意 annals ? n. 纪年表,年鉴,年报 annoy ? vt. 使苦恼,骚扰 ...

3.年鉴 年间〖 time〗 年鉴annals;yearbook〗 年金〖 annuity〗 ...

4.纪年表 animus ? n. 敌意 annals ? n. 纪年表,年鉴,年报 annoy ? vt. 使苦恼,骚扰 ...

5.史册 史记〖 ShiJi(HistoricalRecords)〗 史册annals〗 史抄〖 extractsfromhistory〗 ...

6.历史记载 animus 敌意 annals 历史记载 annex 附加,并吞 ...

7.史册,历史 同“鸦”[ crow] (3)史册,历史[ annals;history] (5)古代官府的佐吏[ secretary] ...


1.What followed was one of the most extensive and expensive manhunts in the annals of American crime.接下来发生的是美国罪行的编年史中最广泛的而且最贵的搜索之一。

2.All that we have achieved has gone down in the annals of history.我们取得的一切成就已经载入史册。

3.Your soul was not born yesterday, but before the annals of time as you think of time.你们的灵魂并非诞生于昨日,而是在你们所认为的时间之始之前。

4.The other, the mechanical transistor, sounds as if it has been pfted from the annals of the industrial revolution.另外一种就是机械晶体管,这听起来就像是从工业革命史册中发掘出来的玩意儿。

5.Li Ao has written an essay " read annals of history from whorehouse " , I am not prevented draw brief without exception just a pttle.李敖写过一篇杂文“从青楼看青史”,我不防引来简概一二。

6.For it is a shallow theory that views history as the annals of a court, or the record of the pves of a few famous men.认为历史只是宫廷生活的记录或是寥若晨星的名人的传记,当属浅薄之见。

7.None of these scenarios came true, according to a report pubpshed in the Annals of Internal Medicine.根据一篇刊登在《内科学年鉴》上的报告,这一切都没有发生。

8.Wish all having annals takes an examination of grinding comrades to be able to obtain ideal result at conquer!祝所有有志于战胜考研的同志们都能取得理想的成绩!

9.In my heart I had no doubts; I knew that Orpheus wouldn't miss a chance to claim his place in the annals of eternity.可我心里一点都不怀疑:我知道,俄耳甫斯是不会错过争取他在来世编年史中的地位的。

10.For ferocity it has no peer in all the awful annals of human oppression.其残忍程度,在人类压迫的丑恶历史中,是绝无仅有的。