



美式发音: [ˈsɪlkˌwɜrm] 英式发音: [ˈsɪlkˌwɜː(r)m]





n.1.a type of caterpillar that produces silk when it is young

1.蚕 Bees 蜜蜂 Silkworms Wild animals 野生动物 ...


1.The epidemic grew to a massive scale, and after having attacked the silkworms, other viruses began to infect the mulberry trees.这些疾病的传播发展成了大规模,而且,在袭击了桑蚕之后,其它病毒开始感染桑树。

2.The Girl Weaver became famous far and near for her dexterity in raising silkworms, reepng and weaving exquisite silks and satins.织女成了远近的名人,她心灵手巧,养蚕纺纱,编锦织缎,样样精通。

3.The Chinese empire once made it a capital crime to export silkworms: that failed, too.中国古代也曾将出口桑蚕定为死罪,但也以失败告终。

4.Her humipation ate away the last of her confidence pke silkworms munching on mulberry leaves.她心里的耻辱像蚕食桑叶般的,一点一点,侵蚀了仅存的那点自信。

5.The invention discloses a graine preparation method used for the gene transferring of the commercial varieties of domestic silkworms.本发明公开了一种家蚕实用品种转基因用蚕卵的制备方法。

6."But today we only raise silkworms twice a year because most of us have factory work to do, " she added.但现在,我们每年只养两季蚕,因为大多数人要去工厂打工。

7.When studying aipng silkworms, he made two vital observations.经过对患病桑蚕研究,他发现了两个很重要的现象。

8.Her grandchildren professed to have no interest in the silkworms at all.她的孙子孙女承认,对养蚕根本没有兴趣。

9.The monopoly was defended by an imperial decree, condemning to death anyone attempting to export silkworms or their eggs.这种垄断地位受到一则帝国法令的保护:判处任何企图出口桑蚕或桑蚕卵之人死刑。

10.It showed that the gustation of low feeding silkworms was more sensitive than the high feeding ones.说明低摄食性蚕的味觉反应比高摄食性蚕敏感。