




1.人才库现今则多方扩充成为公司的人才库,故接班人计画就称为人才库策略(talent pool),未来的企业所建立的人才库,将不仅仅只 …

6.人才存量ament) 的重要性,其主要的原因在於,一家企业人才存量(talent pool) 的质与量会决定它在产业的竞争优势。

7.人才资料库意向」徵询,并配合过去绩效表现,然后建立适合外派的人才资料库talent pool),此一资料库名单不仅包含本地公司候选 …


1.About 75% of the total installed talent pool is junior level talent with less than 4 years of experience.大约75%的从业者是工作经验不到4年的初级人才。

2.The company now has a modern workshop, advanced production equipment and strong technical force, rich talent pool.公司现已拥有现代化的厂房,先进的生产机械设备及雄厚的技术力量,丰富的人才储备。

3.But it is the emphasis on middle-age women that has allowed the network to tap into a much-ignored talent pool.但正是把重点放在中年妇女上,才让有线电视网开始探究久被忽视的人才库。

4.Where this talent pool please tutoring tutoring parents are able to tutor for the first try, then hired.凡是在家教人才库请家教的家长,都可以对家教进行先试用,再聘用。

5.Our extensive global network, enable us to have instant access to a huge talent pool to source for the right candidates.艺珂缜密的全球人力资源网络,能第一时间提供足够的人才资料库,让人力适才适所。

6.However, poor infrastructure and a shrinking talent pool are hurdles to potential expansion.然而,落后的基础设施和人才资源的不断萎缩,将限制印度外包业的潜在扩张。

7.This country can no longer afford to choose our leaders from a talent pool pmited by sex, race, money, powerful fathers and paper degrees.我们国家再也不能从一个受制于性别、种族、金钱、家族势力和文凭的人才库里挑选总统。

8.Soccer may not be better today, but certainly it is faster and its major clubs recruit players from a global talent pool.或许今天的足球和过去相比还不够好,但它比过去节奏更快,大型俱乐部更是全球范围选才。

9.Companies that fish in only half of the talent pool will lose out to those that cast their net more widely.仅在一半的“人才池”里“捕捞”人才的公司将会输给那些更广泛撒网的公司。

10."The leadership doesn't reflect the marketplace or the talent pool, " she said.“领导状况并没有反映人才市场。”她说。