




1.信德省巴基斯坦在信德省Sindh)开始实行一个使糖业恢复元气和促进甘蔗 栽培的多步计划,还打算起草法规(2003 年食糖法例) …

2.信德邦今天主要围绕在信德邦(Sindh)境内印度河畔的摩亨约-达罗(Mohenjo-daro(现属于巴基斯坦)。 Mohenjo-daro是现今世界少最 …

3.南部信德省  军方表示,军队指挥官哈雅特中将为南部信德省(Sindh)最资深的军官,其车队於早晨08:45经过克里夫顿高级住宅区时,遭到不 …

4.巴基斯坦信德省巴基斯坦信德省Sindh)畜牧业局官员表示,超过600只羊已被销毁,澳大利亚不应该把病羊送至巴基斯坦。他认为澳大利亚 …

5.南部的信德省在南部的信德省Sindh),洪水冲刷该地经济命脉的大片丰沃农地,高阶政府官员警告,新一波洪水可能危及3个城镇。该官 …


1.The southern province of Sindh is now described as the worst-affected area with up to four milpon displaced people.南部信德省现在已经成为受灾最严重的地区,被转移人口已经高达400万。

2.Even the great desert, Takla Makan (he who enters never returns) would spread up to Sindh.塔克拉玛干大沙漠,(一旦进入就永远出不来)会蔓延到信德省。

3.The Sindh government says that it will seek help from China to go ahead with the plan and is now in the process of devising a syllabus.Sindh政府称它将寻求中国方面的援助以推进计划的发展,而现在已经进入了制定大纲的阶段。

4.Thousands of Pakistanis displaced by flood waters reside temporarily in a camp set up by the Pakistani Army in Sukkar, Sindh province.数以千计的巴基斯坦民众由于洪水被迫离开家园,住在巴基斯坦军队建造的临时帐篷内,信德省。

5.During the Arab rule, the territories of Pakistan were known as Sindh and India was known as Hind.在阿拉伯规则期间,巴基斯坦疆土知道和Sindh和印度为人所知和后面。

6.Watkins said he didn't know which type of spider was responsible for the tree cocoons in Sindh.Watkins说,他并不清楚到底是哪一种蜘蛛在信德省织出了困住树木的网。

7.Pakistan's southern Baluchistan and Sindh provinces are used to heavy rains during the annual monsoon season.巴基斯坦的南部Baluchistan省和Sindh省已经习惯了每年的雨季都有暴雨天气。

8.The water is now flowing into the southern province of Sindh, where authorities have so far evacuated more than 500, 000 people.洪水现在正在涌进南部的信德省,当局目前已经撤离了50多万人。

9.From KP to Sindh, there was a weak humanity photographed facing a disastrous wrath.从朝鲜到信德省那里脆弱的民族拍下了他们对于灾难的愤怒。

10.A crash involving three trains in Pakistan's Sindh province killed at least 133 people.在巴基斯坦信德省,133人死于一起三列火车相撞的事故。