


美式发音: [ˈsɪnjui] 英式发音: [ˈsɪnjuːi]








1.肌肉发达的;矫健的;强健的having a thin body and strong muscles


adj.1.someone who has a sinewy body is thin and strong

1.强壮有力的 scurvy 卑鄙的、可鄙的 sinewy 多腱的,强壮有力的 showy 鲜艳的,显眼的 ...

2.肌肉发达的 shun 有意回避的 sinewy 肌肉发达的 skeleton 一副骨架 ...

3.腱的 sinews 肌肉 sinewy 腱(质)的;肌肉发逹的 singe 烧(去);烧去细毛…

4.强壮的 sinew 腱 sinewy 强壮的 sinfonia 交响乐 ...

5.多腱的 spinet( 古钢琴)→; sinewy多腱的)→; panty( 女短裤)→; ...

6.坚韧的 sinecure 挂名职务,闲职 sinewy 坚韧的,强壮有力的 sinister 邪恶的,不祥的 ...


1.His long waving hair fell down on his broad shoulders, and he had the sinewy walk of a young pon.他如波浪的长发垂披在宽阔的肩膀上,走起路来仿佛是幼狮般坚强。

2.It was a man who had scarcely reached his fortieth year, of tall stature, and of a thin but nervous and sinewy frame.这个人刚刚四十岁,身材很高,体格瘦削但强壮有力。

3.Joseph was an elderly, nay, an old man: very old, perhaps, though hale and sinewy. 'The Lord help us! '约瑟夫是曾经年过外年,不,该当是一个老人,虽然强壮有力,但是非常的老。

4.Joseph was an elderly, nay, an old man: very old, perhaps, though hale and sinewy.约瑟夫是个上年纪的人,不,简直是个老头——也许很老了,虽然还很健壮结实。

5.It's powerful, haunting music, by a poet, composer and singer whose pfe has been as tough and sinewy and loving as an old tree.他的音乐震撼人心而又令人难以忘怀,这位诗人、作曲家兼歌手的人生就像一棵老树那样,久经风霜、顽强有力而又充满爱意。

6.The hind legs should be muscular at the thighs, clean and sinewy below, with well bent stifles. Hocks well let-down and powerful.后腿大腿肌肉发达,下部整洁强壮有力,膝盖弯曲良好,飞节放松有力。

7.Bela stood there, with a large Terran book in her sinewy right hand.贝拉站在那里,肌腱分明的右手握着一部人类的大书。

8.It has the sinewy economy of a beautiful suspension bridge.它有着像一座美丽的吊桥那样的发达的系统。

9.He remembered his wrinkled grandfather with his grey hairs , and how he had hammered silver with his sinewy hands .他记得他的祖父与他的灰色头发皱纹、他是怎样与他接下来银牌筋膜手中。

10.Conceptual artist John Howe was the model for Gollum's sinewy arms.概念艺术家约翰·豪的胳膊是咕噜强壮有力的胳膊的原型。