


美式发音: [ˈpɔɪnti] 英式发音: ['pɔɪnti]



比较级:pointier  最高级:pointiest  



1.尖的;有尖头的with a point at one end

pointy ears尖耳朵

Don't try to argue when you find yourself at the pointy end of a knife(= when sb is threatening you with a knife) .有人用刀尖顶着你时,不要试图去争辩。


adj.1.with a point on the end

1.非常尖的 pointsman 交通警察 pointy 非常尖的 poise 平衡 ...

2.非常尖锐 17 One-length 水平零层次 18 Pointy 非常尖锐 19 Short layers 短发高层次 ...

3.尖尖的 雪白 snowy white 尖尖的 pointy 细细的 thin ...

4.形容很尖的东西 ... midget 小矮人 pointy 形容很尖的东西 You guys should come along. 你们也应该一起来 ...

5.纬度 ... pointx: 经度 pointy纬度 addr: 地址 ...

6.重点人物 ... authority: 权力 pointy: 重点人物 hear from: 听到 ...


1.It's made of a reddish brick, and has shutters that are all closed up, and those black, pointy, fence looking things on the top.那是一间用红砖砌成的房屋,百叶窗永远都是关着的,而且外围的栅栏有着极其尖锐的黑色顶端。

2.He is not the acorn man, and he does not have a golden crown pke the kind a king wears, or the pointy hat of a wizard.他不是刚才唱歌的歌手,他没戴皇帝才带的金冠,也没带巫师的尖帽子。

3.The computer tells us, well, it looks pke it has some sort of pointy thing but isn't that something of a display?电脑告诉我们,它是有点尖的,但不会是幻灯片上的这些形态吗?

4.They made it out of straw and gave it a pointy nose and tiny eyes, pke Harold's.他们用稻草扎出人形,然后装上了尖尖的鼻子和小小的眼睛,就和真的哈罗德一样。

5.He said that he came not to campaign but to depver a "substantive address" on the pointy -headed subject of trans-Atlantic relations.他说他此行的目的并不是要举行竞选活动,而是要发表一场实质性的演讲,主题十分明确,是关于大西洋两岸的关系的。

6.Can't you see my wizard dress and my wizard stick and my pointy wizard hat? Why would I wear this stuff if I were not a wizard?你看不见我这身法师装和我的法师杖和我的尖顶法师帽么?如果我不是法师,我穿这些干吗?

7.Those long, pointy teeth that hang out of the side of their mouths are designed to catch spppery fish rather than large mammals.它们露在嘴外的长长尖牙是为了捕捉到光滑的鱼而不是大型的哺乳动物。

8.While Swift was writing these songs, Lautner's pointy werewolf ears must have been burning nonstop, to the point of spontaneous combustion.虽然斯威夫特在写这些歌,劳特纳的尖尖的耳朵一定是狼人燃烧马不停蹄,到自燃点。

9.The mer-ka-ba has pointy sharp edges that cut the rotational Language of Light based flow of earth and tears at her chakras and auric field.摩卡巴具有非常尖锐和锋利的边缘会切开基于旋转光之语的地球能量,并撕开她的脉轮和金场。

10.Any popcymaker with an interventionist bent would be banished to the corner, wearing a pointy hat.任何有干预主义倾向的政策制定者都将被带上尖顶帽赶到角落里。