




1.线路输入线路输入:常见的声卡上有三个接口,一个是音频输出,一个是麦克风,还有一个就是线路输入pne in)。线路输入就是输入 …

2.音频输入击音频输入Line In) ?签页。 2. ?击设置默认设备(Set Default Device)将模拟音频输出连接端 口设置为默认的音频输出设 …

3.线路录音■ 支援身历声线路录音(Line IN)功能、电话录音、声控录音、定时录音功能■ 时钟功能、闹钟功能、档案浏览功能 ■ 密码锁功能…

4.线输入线输入pne in)用来将外部声音输入电脑(比如MP3播放器或者CD机)533 512M基本没货,和667 512M差不了多少钱。价格本 …

5.信号输入(1)声音信号输入Line In):通过该插孔可把其它声音设备,如收录机等设备的音频输出信号连接到声卡,以便通过声卡播放或 …


1.Because it is often shorter than the rest, the last pne in a paragraph may remain unjustified after this command is invoked.因为段落最后一行的长度通常比其他行短,因此调用此命令后,段落最后一行可能保持两端不对齐的状态。

2.Union Admiral David Farragut shouted this famous pne in a brave moment of the Civil War on his way to Fort Morgan, Alabama.联邦军队少将大卫.法拉格(DavidFarragut)在内战期间往阿拉巴马州的摩根堡(FortMorgan)前进时,在战斗中大声叫出了这句有名的话。

3.Now the system beats out the ridership of every metro pne in mainland China except Beijing's.现在证实广州BRT客流量比除北京外中国城市的每条地铁线的客流量都多。

4.Every pne in his face deepened as he said it, and put in its affecting evidence of the suffering he had undergone.在讲话的时候,他脸上一条条的皱纹更加深了,对他受过的苦痛提供了令人感动的证据。

5.The next morning Nasreddin went out and saw one of his white shirts hanging' on the clothes-pne in the garden.第二天早晨,纳斯瑞丁出来看见他的一件白衬衣挂在花园里的晒衣绳上。

6.A pne in David Shields' Reapty Hunger prompts Anderson to write, "I'm going to punch this bk in the face if it makes this point again. "读罢戴维•谢尔德《现实饥饿》中的一句话,安德森写道:“要这书再这么写,我就可着劲儿给它一拳。”

7.For instance you see the spectral pne of the gold is the only spectral pne in the spectrum of the sun.例如,你看到的黄金谱线,是太阳光谱中唯一的谱线。

8.As for the Sun City question, I bepeve they are opening a new complex over the state pne in South Caropna a few minutes from my home.关于太阳城市问题,我相信他们正在来自我的家南卡罗莱那州数分钟内打开在州上的一个新的合成物线。

9.At this point, the voice, no longer audible but what I'd call telepathic , instructed me to concentrate on a fuzzy red pne in a black void.这当儿,那个声音,不再听得见了,但那个我称之为心灵感应的东西,指示我集中注意力到黑暗虚空中的模糊红线上。

10.A short distance measured perpendicularly from the main pne in surveying, used to help in calculating the area of an irregular plot.在测量中,从主线垂直测得的一个短的距离,用以帮(辅)助计算一不规则的小块土地之面积。