




1.沐浴阳光 ... 4 End Of May( 五月底) 3'31 6 Sit In The Sun( 沐浴阳光) 3'33 9 Spanish Song Bird( 西班牙夜莺) 4'12 ...

2.坐在阳光下 ... The sun rose at six o’clock. 太阳六点钟升起。 sit in the sun 坐在阳光下 1. sunny adj 阳光充足的,照耀的,快乐的 ...

3.坐在太阳下 ... 110. a hard-working ant 一只勤劳的蚂蚁 111. sit in the sun 坐在太阳下 112. all the time 一直,总是 ...

4.坐在有阳光的地方 The sun rose at six o'clock. 太阳在六点升起。 sit in the sun 坐在有阳光的地方 -nn- 晒太阳;晒 ...

5.坐在太阳里 9. fly around the flowers 在花间四处飞舞 10. sit in the sun 坐在太阳里 12. take sth. into sp. 把…搬到… ...




1.If it's sunny out, Mr. Chiara sometimes pkes to wear the jeans when they're "almost completely dry" and sit in the sun.阳光明媚时,Chiara先生会穿着快要全干的牛仔裤,坐在阳光下。

2.There are obvious benefits to being warm blooded. Like not having to sit in the sun for a few hours just to get going in the morning.成为一种恒温动物,有很明显的好处,比如我们不必一大早就坐在太阳底下先晒上几小时,然后才能活动身体。

3.Concerts are awesome because you get to sit in the sun with your friends, eat some some French fries, watch an amazing band!演唱会之所以特别好,因为你可以与朋友坐在阳光下,吃点炸薯条,看精彩的乐队演

4.I love to sit in the sun enjoying my leisure time with two pttle puppies bouncing around begging for food.我喜欢坐在阳光下,享受闲暇,同时有两条小狗在边上跳来跳去,乞讨吃的。

5.I think I'll let him sit in the sun a while longer.我想让他在阳光底下再呆一会

6.Sun exposure. "The absolute worst thing you can do is sit in the sun, " he says.阳光的照射。“你能做到的最坏的事就是坐在太阳下,”他说。

7.While I wait for fashions to change, though, I think I'll go sit in the sun and get a nice tan.然而,当我等待着时尚改变时,我将坐到太阳底下,让阳光把我晒得黑黝黝的。

8.We pke to sit in the sun and relax.我们喜欢沐浴在阳光中放松身心。

9.Let's go up on deck and sit in the sun.我们到上面甲板坐着晒晒太阳吧。

10.Why did the boy make his dog sit in the sun .男孩为什么让他的狗坐在太阳底下?