



美式发音: [ˈskeptɪk] 英式发音: 

n.〈美〉同“sceptic. -ly”


复数:skeptics  同义词反义词


n.cynic,doubter,doubting Thomas,questioner


n.1.〈美〉同“sceptic. -ly”

n.1.<AmE>Same as sceptic. -ly2.someone who has doubts about things that other people think are true or right




1.From the point of view of many skeptics, it is one of the strongest pieces of evidence that the shroud is a forgery .从很多怀疑论者的观点来看,这是证明裹尸布是假的强而有力证据。

2.To us, he really was more pke Harry Potter, whipping up his fans into a frenzy with feats of magic while skeptics clucked their tongues.对于我们而言,他更像是哈利波特,一边用他神奇的魔法煽动起众人的狂热崇拜,一边也要忍受质疑者的喋喋不休的嚼着舌根。

3.Skeptics suspected this was just a bit of election-year candy--and that may have been part of the plan.怀疑者认为这只是大选年的糖果,这也许的确是这个计划的一部分。

4.Skeptics deem the concept a non-starter, at least until the cost of putting a commercial power plant into orbit drops dramatically.怀疑者认为现在没有条件开始,至少要等到把商业发电站送入轨道的费用大幅下降后。

5.But don't just tell the story to a friendly audience; try it out on skeptics.但不要只说给客气的听众,而要试着给那些有怀疑眼光的人听。

6.Well, it did happen, but right now it does seem to have been a bad idea for exactly the reasons the skeptics cited.嗨,事情却的确发生了。不过,现在看来,正因为怀疑论者列举的理由,当时想法就是错的。

7.In response to the skeptics, Plato argues that the tyrant is not therefore truly happy, and that this can be seen in his behavior.针对对怀疑论者,柏拉图认为暴君没有得到真正的幸福,他认为这可以从暴君们的行为中看来。

8.If that were easy to do, skeptics say, the immune system would have figured it out and people would have lasting protection.怀疑者说,如果不费力就能做到这一点,免疫系统早该知道怎么做了,人们也早就得到永久的免疫力了。

9.Skeptics asked whether it was an early sign of a more activist administration or an isolated example.怀疑论者称,这到底是一个较为激进政府的早期征兆,还是仅仅是个案特例。

10.Scientists are trying to figure out why even the skeptics among us cpng to lucky numbers, special game-day clothing and other odd rituals.科学家正设法弄清楚为什么连抱怀疑我们当中幸运号码特殊游戏天等多名礼仪服装。