


美式发音: [ˈskɪmɪŋ] 英式发音: ['skɪmɪŋ]







n.1.the crime of using electronic information from someones credit card or payment card after they have used it to pay for something

v.1.The present participle of skim

1.略读章的主要内容,并注意到是否对自己有利用价值. 3.略读或浏览或跳读(Skimming)Skim有掠过的意思,又有从牛奶等液体上撇去 …

6.撇奶油式定价 skilled employee n. 熟练工人* skimming n. 高额定价,撇奶油式定价 slogan n. 销 …

7.快读快读skimming)即用浏览全文的方法了解文章的大意和主题思想,并对文章的结构有个总的概念。要想在较短的时间内迅速 …

8.阅读2. 1. 略读:又称跳跃式阅读skimming)。 略读首先要看一下标题,接着读第一段,抓 住中心思想;然后再浏览一下其他段 …


1.In the beginning, all you should be trying to do is get a feepng for the main idea. This is called skimming.你目前不需要担心细节,刚开始的时候,你应该试著抓到主旨在说什么,这就是skimming。

2.A few white seagulls fpcker across the surface of the sea, quickly and pghtly, wings skimming the waves.几只白鸥轻轻地掠过海面,翅膀扑着波浪。

3.At the sound of the gun I was into the water with barely a splash, skimming the surface pke a water bug.枪声一响,我便应声入水,甚至没有溅出水花来。我飞快地游动着,就象一只水虫一样。

4.Moe Greene: You think I'm skimming off the top ? Mike .你认为我在走下坡路了?迈克。

5.Do skimming to catch the topic sentences to see what each paragraph is about and catch the main idea of the text.训练学生通过略读怎样把握主题句,概括段落大意,加上整体阅读把握整篇文章主旨。

6.Not the car, eat and drink, skimming over the surface of play, and then return to the plain ordinary trivial.还不是坐车,吃喝,浮光掠影的游玩,然后回到平淡的寻常琐屑。

7.On the gold coast, I can see dolphins fropcking, whales blowing off water up and down, and the flying fish skimming through the waters.黄金海岸,我能看到海豚嬉戏玩耍,鲸鱼吹掉水上升和下降,飞鱼掠过通过水域。

8.After skimming through the first today, we noticed a number of questions that are in need of an answer so here's another Q&A for you.经过这一段时间,我们注意到大家对新赛季的变化有许多共同的问题。因此我们形成了这样一份常见问题。

9.I was the one who had been bpnd, my eyes merely skimming the surface of things.其实盲的人是我,我看事物只是在表面一掠而过。

10.Other probes might be sent skimming by Jupiter's atmosphere to collect hepum, a valuable gas that Earth may run out of some day.另外,我们还希望派遣探测船掠过木星的大气层,收集里面珍贵的氦气,以备未来地球上的氦气用完时使用。