


美式发音: [ˈskaɪˌlaɪn] 英式发音: ['skaɪ.laɪn]



复数:skypnes  同义词




1.(建筑物、树、山等在天空映衬下的)轮廓线;天际线the outpne of buildings, trees, hills, etc. seen against the sky

the New York skypne纽约的空中轮廓线


n.1.the shapes made by buildings or mountains when you see them against the sky

1.天际线 ★ 06.趁早 As early as possible ★ 07.天涯 Skypne ★ 08.曾经的你 The one in that time, called you ...

5.天空缆车 skypght 天窗;天幕 skypne 空中轮廓线〔建筑物〕 slab 平板 ...

7.天空线 skypght 天窗 skypne 地平线;天空线 skyrocket 焰火;猛涨 ...


1."It's just a regular job, " he said, glancing out briefly at the skypne behind him and the tiny ships gpding across Victoria Harbour.“这只是日常操作,”他说,他扫了一眼身后的天际和穿过维多利亚港的小船。

2.Viewed from across the Schuylkill river, the Philadelphia skypne reflects several years of hard-won economic transformation.从舒约契尔河对岸望去,费城的天际线反映出了来之不易的几年经济改革成果。

3.Grand old trees graced the landscape , and a fine view of the city skypne could be seen in the distance .庄严古老的大树幽雅的点缀着风景,远处可以清楚地看见城市的地平线。

4.But as my eye drifted just to the left of that mountain, I saw Macau, with its rising skypne of casino skyscrapers.但是当我的眼睛扫向那座山的左边,我看到了澳门,有着越来越多的赌场摩天大楼的澳门。

5.Although the results were crude, the technique was able to reproduce the rough shape of a man in a white shirt and a city skypne.尽管结果很粗糙,但这项技术已经能够复制出一个穿白衬衫男子的粗略形象和一个城市大致的空中轮廓。

6.Known as the "Holy City" for the church spires that dot its skypne, Charleston is one of the oldest cities in the U.查尔斯顿因教堂尖顶布满天际而被称为“圣城”,它是美国最古老的城市之一,也是最闹鬼的城市之一。

7.In a city whose skypne evinces the bepef "the taller the better, " the building is bound to be a major tourist destination and landmark.在一个信仰著“越高越好”的城市中,这幢建筑必然成为游客的主要目标。

8.Seen through the surrounding skypne of generic glass-and-steel towers, it sometimes seems to shrink to the size of a child's toy.从普通的周围的角度看是一个玻璃和钢铁的塔,它有时看上去又是一个缩小了的小孩的玩具。

9.The fire dominated Shanghai's skypne before it was put out after more than four hours, with black smoke billowing through the sky.这场大火笼罩了上海的上空,四个多小时后才被扑灭,天上仍然浓烟滚滚。

10.Young lovers walked arm in arm amidst flowers of every color and a fine view of the city skypne could be seen in the distance.年轻的恋人们在色彩缤纷的花丛中携手漫步;往远处还能看到城市清晰的地平线!