




1.库克在库克Tim Cook)甫一上任时,就有人预测他会拿 Apple TV 这个乔布斯时代的兴趣来当自己的试金石。《华尔街日报》甚 …

2.执行长库克苹果新任执行长库克(Tim Cook)首次上榜,排名第58,不过福布斯对他是否继承了乔布斯的创意天分仍抱持怀疑,并指出今年1…

3.苹果执行长库克苹果执行长库克TIM COOK)在网路上拍卖一起喝咖啡的机会,藉 此为慈善机构募款,吸引程式开发者、企业家等人热烈竞 …

4.蒂姆库克虽然蒂姆库克Tim Cook)作为乔布斯亲手挑选的接班人备受尊重,但是现在的投资者开始怀疑库克是否能够继续带领苹果公 …

5.苹果公司执行长库克美国苹果公司执行长库克Tim Cook)今天出席参院听证会,他强调苹果公司缴纳每一块钱该缴纳的税款。参议院常设调查小 …

6.苹果行政总裁库克苹果行政总裁库克(Tim Cook)向分析师暗示,新产品不会在未来数月推出市场,最快要到秋季及2014年才推出,消息令原本大 …

7.提姆库克苹果首席运营官提姆库克Tim Cook)周三在公司第二财季分析师会议上表示,iPhone比Android更便于多媒体应用开发。库克 …


1.Tim Cook promised that Apple Inc. wouldn't change when he took over the company's helm from Steve Jobs in August.8月份提姆库克承诺他从史蒂夫乔布斯手中接管苹果后公司将不会有所改变。

2.You can see Apple and its board desperately trying to convince us that Tim Cook is great, and I'm sure he is and will do fine.你可以看到苹果及其董事会千方百计地让人们相信提姆·库克非常优秀,并且我相信他确实优秀,能够胜任CEO一职。

3.Tim Cook has made only minor changes since he took over as permanent Apple CEO in August, reports the Wall Street Journal.华尔街日报报道称,自8月TimCook接手苹果以来,苹果只发生了些微小的变化。

4.Tim Cook, chief operating officer, said he could not predict when the company's supply would reach the appropriate level.苹果首席运营官蒂姆•库克(TimCook)表示,他无法预料公司的供应何时能达到恰当水平。

5.In January 2011 he took medical leave, before formally resigning as CEO in August and handing over his duties to Tim Cook.2011年1月,乔布斯病休。8月,他正式辞去CEO职务,将工作交予蒂姆·库克。

6.Asked whether he'd gotten any response from Apple, Mak said he had emailed CEO Tim Cook but so far hadn't heard back.当被问及是否有从苹果公司得到任何回应时,麦回答说他已经发邮件给了苹果现任CEO蒂姆-库克,但至今没有得到任何回复。

7.Maybe on the next quarterly call, Tim Cook will tell analysts that Apple is now focused on selpng expensive fashion accessories.也许下个季度,TimCook将会告诉分析师们“苹果手机更加关注时尚昂贵的配件的销售”。

8.As I've written, Tim Cook is better suited than anyone in the tech industry to run Apple and lead the company into the future.就像我曾经写的,在技术产业中没有比库克更适合的人选来执掌苹果,领导公司的未来。

9.But Tim Cook, its chief operating officer, recently hinted that the company was working on something "very innovative" .但是其首席运营官蒂姆·库克(TimCook)最近暗示,苹果正在为一种“非常创新的”的东西而忙碌。

10.In his absence, Apple Chief Operating Officer Tim Cook will run the company, the CEO said.乔布斯说,在他休假期间,苹果公司首席运营长库克(TimCook)将负责公司的运营工作。