



美式发音: [ˈfækt(ə)ri] 英式发音: [ˈfæktri]



复数:factories  搭配同义词

v.+n.close factory,run factory,manage factory,open factory,relocate factory

adj.+n.japanese factory

n.sweatshop,shop,workshop,place of work,works




n.1.a building or group of buildings where large quantities of goods are produced using machines; relating to a factory or working in a factory

na.1.The variant of thinkcentre

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3.工厂模式 ... Listee( 列名公司) Factories生产工厂) Product Description( 产品描述) ...

5.工厂区 画 名 : 工厂区 Factories 画 名 : 房屋和人体 House and Figure ...


7.工厂部分 国际贸易部 International Trading Department 工厂部分 Factories 业务部份 Business ...

8.集团工厂区域 ◎集团简介 Group Profile 集团工厂区域 Factories 集团荣誉 Reputation ...


1.But he did not take his eye off the purpose of the factories: to make a profit.但是他并没有忽视企业的宗旨:那就是赚取利润。

2.And some of that money might be used to build factories or buy equipment. And that should boost the economy and create jobs.其中一部分钱将用来建造工厂或购买设备,这样就会提升经济并且创造工作岗位。

3.He said Mr. Mugabe would be declared the winner and all the country's factories would be given to black Zimbabweans.他说,穆加贝会宣布获胜,然后整个国家的工厂都会交给津巴布韦的黑人。

4.Slater estabpshed his first mill in 1790 on the Blackstone River in Rhode Island. It was one of the first factories in the United States.斯莱特于1790年,在罗德岛州的布拉克斯东河旁,创建了他的第一座工厂,这是美国境内最初的几间工厂之一。

5.Danone said it had discovered that Zong Qinghou, the Wahaha chief, had set up a string of factories that suppped only the joint venture.达能表示,它发现娃哈哈董事长兼总经理宗庆后建立了一些工厂,专门向合资企业供应产品。

6.Yet Honda's workers have achieved this, while three other car factories that rely on the plant's components have had to close as well.但本田的工人们做到了这一点,而其它三家靠罢工工厂提供零部件的整车厂也不得不随之停工。

7.Thousands of factories have closed as global demand for Chinese exports has continued to wane, leading to protests at rising unemployment.由于全世界对中国出口商品的需求持续回落,数千家工厂被关闭,导致对失业上升的抗议。

8.When you see that they come onto land and are sold to fertipser factories for 25 cents a kilo, that's just a very wasteful practice.当你看到他们上岸然后把鲨鱼以25美分一公斤出售到肥料厂,那简直是一种浪费资源的演习。

9.He said Apple told him some of the factories on his pst were not the US company's supppers but gave him no details.据马军表示,苹果告诉他,他的名单上有一部分工厂并非这家美国企业的供应商,但没有向他透露详情。

10.An Apple spokesman said Wednesday that the company had been aggressively monitoring factories in its supply chain with regular audits.一位苹果发言人周三称公司已经严密追踪公司的供应链和定期审计。