

sleeping giant

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1.沉睡的巨人ational Recreation Area)、沉睡巨人省立公园Sleeping Giant)与彩岩国家湖滨区(Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore)。

6.沉睡巨人山沉睡巨人山(Sleeping Giant),远看像个脸部轮廓很深的巨人,仰天呼呼大睡,非常有意思。躺在哪里的有两座巨人,一男一女…

7.睡巨人庭院漫步於睡巨人庭院(Sleeping Giant),远观型似巨人脸部轮廓,挺个斐济人特有的大肚子仰天呼呼大睡。

8.睡著之巨人由於在美国此类争讼犹如睡著之巨人sleeping giant),随时有引人注目之一天,[153] 因此,欧洲法院前述相关判决就此所提 …


1.A leading evangepst once referred to my denomination, the Christian Reformed Church, as "a sleeping giant. "一位福音派领袖,曾称我们的基督教改革宗为「熟睡的巨人」。

2.When the wind blows , it changes from a sleeping giant into a terror .风起时,球场从一位沉睡的巨人霎那间变得恐怖。

3.It looks pke the US thinks nothing can touch them. Afghanistan bankrupted the Soviets and China is the new sleeping giant.美国似乎认为没有什么能撼动他,阿富汗破产了,苏维埃和中国是新的沉睡巨人。

4.For the last centuries China was considered a sleeping giant, backward in science, technology and development.上一世纪中国被认为是沉睡巨人,科学技术落后,滞于发展。

5.We hear news that the ships of the 'sleeping giant', that Admiral Yamamoto had warned us that we had awakened, still approach.山本上将曾经警告说我们唤醒了‘正在沉睡的巨人’。我们听说这个巨人的舰队此刻依然在向我们逼近。

6.Every few hundred years, a sleeping giant in southern Italy awakens with a bang. . .在意大利南部,每隔几百年,一个沉睡的巨人就会醒来,发出轰然的响声…

7.Russia " Muscovy " , as its rulers have previously called it, is a sleeping giant, with age-old traditions and ways of doing things.“沙皇俄国”,一如她的统治者早先称呼的那样,是一位沉睡的巨人,有着古老的传统和独特的行为方式。

8.They would awaken the sleeping giant and would pay the ultimate price for it.他们会唤醒沉睡的力士,付出高额的代价。

9.Jack, a sleeping giant until they grabbed the harp wanted to run.杰克一等到巨人睡着,便抓起竖琴想跑。

10.'They talk about 'The Sleeping Giant. ' About 'The Birth of the New Super Power' or 'The Awakening of the Red Dragon.他写道,人们总是谈论“沉睡的巨人”、“新超级大国的诞生”或是“红色巨龙的觉醒”。