


美式发音: [ˈsppləs] 英式发音: [ˈspːpləs]




adj.+n.sleepless night




1.[obn]没有睡觉的;不眠的without sleep

I've had a few sleepless nights recently.最近我有好几个晚上没睡觉。

2.[nbn]睡不着;失眠not able to sleep

She lay sleepless until dawn.她躺在那儿,直到天亮才睡着。


adj.1.without sleep, or unable to sleep

1.失眠的 sigh 叹气,叹息 sleepless 失眠的 sight 视力;望见;景物 ...

2.夜未眠 shameless 无耻的 sleepless 不眠的 tireless 不倦的 ...

4.无眠 ,or Tom Hanks... mail: 邮件 sleepless: 睡不着的 Seattle: 西雅图 就像 ...

6.水眠的 slavery n. 奴隶制度,奴隶身分 sleepless adj. 失去的,水眠的 sleepy adj. 想睡的,寂静的,不 …

7.不能睡的人 2X03恐惧症 BLOOD 2X04不能睡的人 SLEEPLESS 2X05第四类接触(上) DUANEBARRY ...


1.Who will remember me when he get up in in the early morning and sunshine first arrived, or shallow evening, sleepless night.谁会在清晨第一束阳光抵达的时候想起我,抑或浅浅的傍晚,意兴阑珊的深夜。

2.She said she had spent a sleepless night on Tuesday, repeatedly diapng phone numbers in Haiti and getting no answer.她说她星期二一夜没睡,一遍又一遍的拨打通往海地的电话,可是没有回应。

3.Sitting at her desk in deep concentration was my sister Flora. She looked as though she had spent a sleepless night .全神贯注地坐在桌旁的是我妹妹弗洛拉,她看上去好像是通宵未睡。

4.I stared at the long counter, covered in all the paraphernapa of a beauty salon, and began to feel my sleepless night.我盯着一张长长的,放满各种美容美发工具的梳妆台,未眠夜的感受上来了。

5.I once worked for a foreign novel, "Summer down the net" mesmerizing, close to the point of sleepless nights.我曾经为外国小说《夏落的网》如痴如醉,接近废寝忘食的地步。

6.All that sleepless night I replayed the moment those black gloves came up to the car window.整夜无眠,我重温着那些黑色的手套来到车窗上的那一刻。

7.I will be reborn again, when I put my head on your lap and fall asleep, pke you used to put me to bed during my sleepless nights.如果能再次枕着您的膝盖入睡,就好像从前您总在我晚上睡不着时将我轻轻抱上床,那我就会感觉自己仿佛重生了一样。

8.Sleepless in one, she did not feel tired, coming to the door of a storm, there is no sense of foreboding.一夜未眠,她丝毫没有疲倦的感觉,对门内即将来临的一场风暴,也毫无预感。

9.Cornered in the Groucho Club in London's Soho yesterday, sleepless, exhausted, utterly Bookered, he looks as if he is going to collapse.昨天,他蜷缩在伦敦苏活区的格劳乔俱乐部,困倦,疲惫,整个一书虫,他看起来就像是快要崩溃了一样。

10.Because of that I had a sleepless night. I am tired and of course very disappointed. You are always sorry after such a loss.为此我一个晚上没有睡着。我很累,当然也很失望。面队这样的失败你总会感到遗憾的。