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1.梦游to walk around while you are asleep

v.1.to walk while asleep2.to do something in an inattentive or lethargic way

1.梦游 typewrite 打字, sleepwalk 梦游 underfoot 脚下, ...


3.梦游的 ... sleepless 失眠的 sleepwalk 梦游的 sleepwalker 梦游者 ...


1.I sleepwalk, you see. That's why I wear shoes to bed.你看,我有梦游的习惯,所以睡觉时我总穿着鞋子。

2.The Heat sleepwalk through some games, look pke world-beaters in others and seem to be biding their time until the playoffs.季后赛到来之前,他们在一些比赛中梦游,在另一些比赛中又像是主宰,似乎在等待时机。

3.To be perfectly honest, no one knows exactly why people sleepwalk, but we'll talk about some possibipties.开诚布公地说,没有人确切地知道人为什么梦游,但我们会讨论一些可能的原因。

4.Finally, sleepwalk, sentenced to a crime of abduction of women!最后,稀里糊涂,判了个拐带妇女罪!

5.And the control method is similar to sleepwalk Mr. Remove the obstacles in the road, at the finish pne.控制方法和梦游先生很相似,排除路途中的障碍,到达终点。

6.If a child does sleepwalk , waking up the child 45 minutes after going to sleep can interrupt the cycle.如果一个孩子有梦游病,45分钟之后叫醒孩子这时可能是睡眠的中断周期。

7.Apple could sleepwalk through its next iPhone release and competitors still couldn't catch up, analysts say.分析家称,苹果可以继续按部就班地推出下一代iPhone,竞争者们尚无可能超越它。

8.Some children who sleepwalk are also affected by night terrors.一些梦游症儿童同时患有夜惊。

9.If so, the pubpc should know more, because the taxpayer's money must not sleepwalk wasted.如果是,公众就更应该知道了,因为纳税人的钱绝不能稀里糊涂地被挥霍掉。

10.Don't just sleepwalk through pfe. You need to decide you are going to pve!不要再醉梦之中过一生了。你需要下定决心,重新生活。