




1.第21 nine-hundred 900 nine-hundredth 第900 21st 第21 32nd 第32 ...


1.Although a fashionable person of the 21st century can still be described as hip, they would not be referred to as a hippie.尽管21世纪的时尚人士仍旧可以被形容为“时髦的”,但他们不会被当作一个嬉皮。

2.Osteoporosis or low bone density is often described as a silent epidemic of the 21st century.骨质疏松症或骨质密度偏低通常被视为二十一世纪的“安静的瘟疫”。

3.The classmates, 21st century belongs to us, let us always ready to meet new challenges, create the new brilpance!同学们,21世纪属于我们,让我们时刻准备着迎接新的挑战,创造新的辉煌!

4.US President Barack Obama said the US and China will "shape the course of the 21st century" as he opened high-level talks in Washington.华盛顿高层对话开始之时,美国总统巴拉克.奥巴马表示,美中两国将会“主导21世纪的走向”。

5.At the end of the day we motored back to the 21st century in an air-conditioned bus.天近黄昏,我们乘空调公共汽车又回到了21世纪。

6.Our 21st-century selves are so wired for instant gratification that it's easy to get frustrated when something challenges us.生活在21世纪的我们很容易满足,同时也很容易一遇到挑战就感到沮丧。

7.Future science historians will mark the beginning of the 21st century as a time when robots took their place beside human scientists.未来科学历史学家将会把21世纪的开端标记为一个机器人和人类科学家并举的时代。

8."At the midpoint of the 21st century, those percentages are going to be reversed, " he said.他还表示,“在21世纪中叶,这些比例将会逆转。”

9.Since the beginning of the 21st century, the relationship between China and India has entered into a fast track of development.进入21世纪,中印关系迈上了快速发展的轨道。

10.The 21st century has brought with it a change from disorder to order, from disharmony to harmony.在21世纪,人类社会正从无序走向有序,从不和谐走向和谐。