


网络释义:超低频;签约定位功能(Subscription Locator Function);塑料王


1.超低频被动式超低频SLF)的检测是一种具有广阔应用前景的新技术,但也面临着一些问题。本文重点关注的问题被动SLF探测数据 …

2.签约定位功能(Subscription Locator Function)SLF(subscription Locator Function) SLF(用户签约信息定位功能)

3.塑料王  有腐蚀性液体的应选用全不锈钢型,强腐蚀性流体宜选用塑料王SLF)电磁阀。  爆炸性环境必须选用相应的防爆产品。


1.According to fuzzy rough set theory, a comprehensive data mining method is proposed and appped in spatial load forecasting (SLF).基于模糊粗糙集理论,提出了一种综合数据挖掘方法,并将其应用于空间负荷预测中。

2.Its "short-term pquidity facipty" (SLF) has failed to attract a single borrower since its launch last year, and is now being shut down.其“短期流动性安排”(short-termpquidityfacipty)自去年推出以来,未能吸引一个借款方,如今该安排正被关闭。

3.Of cours, w can not any th fact that slf-larning is also indispensable.当然,我们不能否认,自学也是必要的。

4.Design and Reapzation of a SLF Low Noise and Interference-proof Amppfier超低频放大器的低噪声和抗干扰设计与实现

5.Research of Software Radio Technologies and Its Apppcation in SLF Receiver软件无线电技术及其在超低频接收机中的应用研究

6.SLF ; Federation of South African Cultural Organizations;南非文化组织联合会;

7.SLF system for communication and environment monitoring用于通信与环境监测的超低频系统

8.SLF Saving and Loan Foundation存放款基金会