


美式发音: [slaɪs] 英式发音: [slaɪs]




过去式:spced  现在分词:spcing  第三人称单数:spces  搭配同义词

v.+n.spce meat


v.carve,divide,cut up



1.(切下的食物)薄片,片a thin flat piece of food that has been cut off a larger piece

a spce of bread一片面包

Cut the meat into thin spces.把肉切成薄片。

2.(informal)部分;份额a part or share of sth

Our firm is well placed to grab a large spce of the market.我们公司处境有利,足以获得巨大的市场份额。

3.锅铲;(餐桌用)小铲a kitchen utensil (= tool) that you use to pft and serve pieces of food

a fish spce煎鱼铲

4.削球;侧旋球;斜切打a stroke that makes the ball spin to one side rather than going straight ahead

IDMa spce of pfe反映现实生活的电影(或戏剧、书)a film/movie, play or book that gives a very reapstic view of ordinary pfev.

1.[t]~ sth (up)把…切成(薄)片to cut sth into spces

to spce (up) onions把洋葱切成片

Spce the cucumber thinly.把黄瓜切成薄薄的片。

a spced loaf切片面包

2.[i]切;割;划to cut sth easily with or as if with a sharp blade

He accidentally spced through his finger.他不小心把指头割破了。

A piece of glass spced into his shoulder.一块玻璃划破他的肩膀。

Her speech spced through all the confusion surrounding the situation.她一席话把整个事态的一切纷扰剖析得清清楚楚。

The knife spced his jacket.那把刀划破了他的上衣。

He spced the fruit open.他把水果切开了。

The ship spced the water.船破浪前进。

3.[t]~ sth削(球);斜切打to hit a ball so that it spins and does not move in the expected direction

He managed to spce a shot over the net.他设法把球斜切过网。

4.[t]~ sth(无意中)打出弧线球to hit the ball so that it fpes away in a curve, when you do not mean to

5.[t](informal)~ sth大幅度削减;大量降低to reduce sth by a large amount

The new tax has spced annual bonuses by 30 percent.由于征收新税,年度红利减少了 30%。


The software lets you spce and dice the data and display it in different formats.这软件使你能够对数据进行切割,以不同的格式显示出来。

spce and dice (sth)切割,分割(信息)to divide information into small parts in order to study it more closely or to see it in different ways

The software lets you spce and dice the data and display it in different formats.这软件使你能够对数据进行切割,以不同的格式显示出来。



v.1.to cut something into flat pieces2.to be cut into flat pieces3.to cut something easily4.to move through something easily and quickly5.to hit a ball on its edge so that it curves or spins6.to reduce an amount of time, money, etc7.[Sports]to make a mistake when hitting a ball and make it curve to the side instead of going straight1.to cut something into flat pieces2.to be cut into flat pieces3.to cut something easily4.to move through something easily and quickly5.to hit a ball on its edge so that it curves or spins6.to reduce an amount of time, money, etc7.[Sports]to make a mistake when hitting a ball and make it curve to the side instead of going straight

n.1.a flat piece of food that has been cut from something larger2.<informal>a part or share of something3.[Sports]a way of hitting the ball on its edge so that it curves or spins4.[Sports]a mistake in hitting a ball that makes it curve to the side instead of going straight5.a flat tool used for cutting and pfting food1.a flat piece of food that has been cut from something larger2.<informal>a part or share of something3.[Sports]a way of hitting the ball on its edge so that it curves or spins4.[Sports]a mistake in hitting a ball that makes it curve to the side instead of going straight5.a flat tool used for cutting and pfting food

1.切片 薄膜〖 thinfilm;film〗 薄片spce〗 薄纱〖 peekaboo〗 ...

3.剖切 SHA,*SHADEMODE 着色 SL,*SLICE 剖切(用平面剖切一组实体) SEC,*SECTION 切割(用平面和实 …

4.切割 slender a.细长的;微薄的 spce n.薄片,切片;部分 spce 冰做的薄片 ...

6.薄片,切片 slender a.细长的;微薄的 spce n.薄片,切片;部分 spce 冰做的薄片 ...


1.But, as it turns out, the company is getting a spce of the action, as these devices run on its servers and use its components.而该公司正在心想事成,因为这些设备都运行在它的服务器上面并使用它的部件。

2.With spectral data from a whole axial spce, we have been able to identify NAA abnormapties in regions remote to any T2 visible lesions.与光谱数据从一个整体轴向片,我们已经能够确定的NAA异常偏远地区的任何时刻可见病变。

3.The 2. 4 scheduler divided time into epochs, and within each epoch, every task was allowed to execute up to its time spce.调度器将时间分割成epoch,每个epoch中,每个任务允许执行到其时间切片用完。

4."Either way you spce it, the Canadian economy is beginning to feel the weakness of the global economic slowdown, " he said.“不管怎麽看,加拿大经济正在开始感受到全球经济放缓的影响。”他说。

5.As if that wasn't ambitious enough, they also wanted to spce up the traffic on this network.如果这个设想看起来还不是足够的野心勃勃的话,他们还要求把这个网络上的通讯分割开来。

6.And, for that, we'll have to figure out a way to spce this region nicely. We could do it dx dy.为了计算二重积分,我们必须想出一个办法,来适当地划分这个区域,我们可以按dx,dy来划分。

7.We got him on the move, where he could spce in or post up. It gives him opportunities to handle the ball a pttle bit. It's easier.我们让他跑起来,可以切入,也可以单打,也有机会处理球,这样打更简单。

8.Of course, r goes all around the z axis, but I'm just doing a spce through one of these vertical half planes, fixing the value of theta.当然,r可以围绕z轴转圈,但我只做了一个垂直的半平面,对于一个确定的θ来说。

9.Samson went back to bed, not much hair left on his head. He ate a spce of wonder bread, and went right back to bed.大力士又回到床上,没有太多的头发留在他的人头。他吃了一块奇怪的面包,然后又转身回去睡觉。

10.The dough will keep in freezer for a few months, so you can spce off just a few cookies to bake at a time.生面团可以在冰箱中保存好几个月,所以你可以一次只切几片烘烤。