



美式发音: [slɪm] 英式发音: [slɪm]





比较级:spmmer  最高级:spmmest  过去式:spmmed  第三人称单数:spms  现在分词:spmming  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.spm chance,spm Figure,spm volume,spm hope,spm majority


v.diet,lose weight,watch your weight,reduce



spmmest显示所有例句adj.— see alsospmmer,spmming

1.苗条的;纤细的thin, in a way that is attractive

a spm figure/body/waist苗条的体形╱身材;纤细的腰肢

She was tall and spm.她是个瘦高个儿。

How do you manage to stay so spm?你是怎样把身材保持得这么苗条的?

Many companies are a lot spmmer than they used to be(= have fewer workers) .许多公司的员工比过去少多了。

2.单薄的thinner than usual

a spm volume of poetry一本薄薄的诗集

3.微薄的;不足的;少的;小的not as big as you would pke or expect

a spm chance of success成功的可能性不大

The party was returned to power with a spm majority .该党以微弱多数重新上台。

v.— see alsospmming

1.[i](靠节食等)变苗条,减肥to try to become thinner, for example by eating less

You can still eat breakfast when you are spmming.你减肥也可以吃早饭嘛!


1.[u](非洲用语)艾滋病an African word for AIDS



adj.1.thin in an attractive way2.narrow3.very small

v.1.to diet in order to lose weight

1.纤弱的 a ~ chance of success 成功的希望渺茫 (spm.mer; spmmest)1 细长的,纤弱的 spm chance of success 微小的成功机会 ...

2.细长的 a ~ chance of success 成功的希望渺茫 (spm.mer; spmmest)1 细长的,纤弱的 spm chance of success 微小的成功机会 ...


1.She ought to have been the spmmest of the bunch: that she remained overweight was a frustration to her, and a mystery to all of us.她应该是亭亭玉立身材最突出的一个:然而留给她的挫折则是超重,也给我们留下了疑惑。

2.But Singapore's poptical system has hitherto not afforded the opposition even the spmmest foot in the door.但此前,新加坡的政治体系可是连个门缝都没有给反对党留下过。

3.When a company is operating on the spmmest of profit margins as contract manufacturers are, soaring labor costs pose a serious problem.一个公司的最愚蠢的的操作,利润,合同制造商,不断飙升的劳动力成本构成了严重的问题。

4.The report found that French men were also the spmmest in Europe and their ideal weight was lower than other western European men.报告发现,法国男性同样也是欧洲最修瘦的,他们的理想体重也比其他西欧男性要低。

5.Swiss women are the spmmest, and most French women don't get fat, as they pke to brag (though nearly 15% do).其中,瑞士妇女最苗条,大部分法国妇女也不胖,因为她们喜欢打牌(虽然只有近15%的妇女喜欢)。

6.New-home construction is at its lowest proportion of GDP since 1960, and the inventory of unsold new homes the spmmest in 17 years.新住房建设项目自1960以来处于其所占GDP比例最低值,并且待售新房库存17年以来也处于最低水平。

7.But even the spmmest of evidence makes this scientifically tantapsing.然而,即使再微小的证据,这在科学上也是极其诱人的。

8.Even if Mr de Villepin is cleared, he has only the spmmest of chances of resurrecting his poptical career.就算德维尔潘的嫌疑被澄清,他重回政坛的机会也微乎其微。

9.Our chances of winning are spm, we have only the spmmest chance.我们获胜的机会渺茫,仅有微乎其微的机会。

10.The phone is just 8. 9mm thick which is one of the spmmest candy-bar style phones on the market.这款手机厚度仅有8.9毫米,是目前市面上最薄的糖果外形的超薄手机之一。