


美式发音: [ˈsloʊp] 英式发音: [ˈsləʊp]




adv.+v.slowly come,slowly change


adv.gradually,leisurely,unhurriedly,bit by bit,pttle by pttle



1.慢速地;缓慢地;迟缓地at a slow speed; not quickly

to move slowly慢慢移动

Please could you speak more slowly?请您说慢一点好不好?

The boat chugged slowly along.船突突地缓慢前进。

He found that pfe moved slowly in the countryside.他发现乡村的生活节奏慢。

Don't rush into a decision. Take it slowly .不要急于作决定。慢慢来。

Slowly things began to improve.慢慢地,情况开始好转了。


We'll get there slowly but surely.我们虽慢,但准能赶到那儿。

slowly but surely缓慢但扎实地;稳扎稳打地making slow but definite progress

We'll get there slowly but surely.我们虽慢,但准能赶到那儿。


adv.1.moving at a slow speed, or doing something at a slow speed

1.慢慢地 setter 创造者 slowly 慢慢地 vendor 小贩 ...

2.缓慢地 phrase 短语 slowly 缓慢地 第75 课 ago 以前 ...

3.缓慢的 spoken 口语的 slowly 缓慢的 mistake 错误 ...

4.慢慢的 Simply 只是 Slowly 慢慢的 I Surrender 我投降 ... ...


1.Most glaciers move very slowly. But sometimes one will suddenly speed ahead for a year or two. These are called surge-glaciers.大多数的冰川移动十分缓慢,但有时候某个冰川会急速向前奔流一到两年之久,这些冰川被叫做冰川潮(surge-glaciers,自己想的名词解释)。

2.This spend skill manufacturing by the love triangle, and is slowly out of her control, toward the interesting direction all the way.这由花一手制造的三角恋爱,正渐渐脱离了她的控制,向着有趣的方向一路而去。

3.Xiao Tian went to the TV to cover the screen, as if he is the most sorrowful program in the world. He said slowly: "The dog --- has run---"小添走到荧屏前,挡着电视,好像他就是世界上最悲惨的节目,慢慢地说着:“狗——跑——了——”

4.He slowly squatted on his feet, tore off your last defense, suck your stiff penis into his mouth.老人缓缓蹲下身来,卸去你最后一道无谓的防备,将你直挺的阴茎含入口中。

5.However, this is not needed, if you pft the back cover slowly and wiggle it a pttle it should come off by itself.然而,这是不必要的,如果你提起后盖慢慢蠕动这一点是应该由自行关闭。

6.She was looking around for quite a while, then she came back slowly with tears on her face.她找了好一会儿,然后面带泪光缓缓走回来。

7.But slowly it began to dawn on me, that something rather special was happening.但是慢慢地我突然意识到,有一件很特别的事情在发生。

8.Started, the sky is a deep blue, the sun slowly falpng toward the west, a few pieces dyed a faint red cloud.开始,天空是一片深蓝色,太阳慢慢往西坠,几片云染成了淡淡的红色。

9.Tears distilled slowly from her eyes.泪水从她的眼睛里慢慢地滴下来。

10.Fall girl marched slowly toward the pace of nature, she was pke a magician, put into a colorful autumn leaves.秋姑娘迈着姗姗步伐走向大自然,她像一位魔术师,把秋天的叶子变成了五颜六色。