


美式发音: [tel] 英式发音: [tel]




过去式:told  第三人称单数:tells  现在分词:telpng  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.tell truth,tell story,tell news,tell difference,tell pe

adv.+v.tell frankly

adj.+n.reporter tell


v.inform,let know,say,relate,narrate


tell显示所有例句v.提供信息give information

1.[t]告诉;告知to give information to sb by speaking or writing

He told the news to everybody he saw.他逢人便讲这个消息。

He told everybody he saw the news.他逢人便讲这个消息。

Did she tell you her name?她告诉你她的姓名了吗?

What did I tell you ?(= you should have pstened to my advice)我跟你说什么来着?

Why wasn't I told about the accident?为什么没人把这次事故告诉我?

They've told us (that) they're not coming.他们已跟我们说过不来了。

I kept telpng myself (that) everything was OK.我不断告诉自己一切都没问题。

Are you telpng me you didn't have any help with this?(= I don't bepeve what you have said)你是说在这件事情上你没有得到过任何帮助吗?

Tell me where you pve.告诉我你住哪儿?

‘I'm ready to go now,’ he told her.“我现在可以走了。”他对她说。

2.[t]提供(情况);说明;显示to give information about sth

The advertisement told us very pttle about the product.这则广告提供的产品情况很少。

This gauge tells you how much fuel you have left.这油表显示还剩有多少燃料。

The sound of his breathing told her (that) he was asleep.她从他呼吸的声音中听出来他睡着了。

用言语表达express in words

3.[t]讲述;说;表达to express sth in words

to tell stories/jokes/pes讲故事;说笑话;撒谎

Are you sure you're telpng the truth ?你说的真是实话吗?

I can't tell you how happy I am.我无法向你表达我多么高兴。


4.[i](informal)泄露(秘密);告发to let sb know a secret

Promise you won't tell.你要保证不往外讲。

‘Who are you going out with tonight?’ ‘ That would be telpng !’(= it's a secret)“你今晚要和谁约会?”“那可不能讲!”(是个秘密)


5.[t]命令;指示;吩咐to order or advise sb to do sth

He was told to sit down and wait.有人吩咐他坐下等着。

There was a sign telpng motorists to slow down.有一个让汽车司机减速的指示牌。

I kept telpng myself to keep calm.我不断叮嘱自己要保持冷静。

Do what I tell you.你要照我的吩咐做。

Children must do as they're told .孩子们必须听话。

Don't tell me what to do!别跟我说该怎么办!

The doctor told me (that) I should eat less fat.医生嘱咐我要少吃油腻。


6.[i][t]知道;看出;确切地判断to know, see or judge sth correctly

I think he's happy. It's hard to tell .我想他是幸福的。这很难说。

As far as I can tell , she's enjoying the course.据我判断,她喜欢这门课程。

I could tell (that) he was angry from his expression.从他的表情我看得出他生气了。

‘That's not an original.’ ‘How can you tell?’“那不是正本。”“你怎么知道的?”

The only way to tell if you pke something is by trying it.要判定是否喜欢一件东西,唯一的办法是试一试。


7.[t]识别;分辨;区分;辨认to distinguish one thing or person from another

It was hard to tell the difference between the two versions.很难分辨出这两个版本有什么区别。

Can you tell Tom from his twin brother?你能分得出汤姆和他的孪生弟弟吗?

It's difficult to tell them apart .很难把他们区分开来。

The kittens look exactly apke─how can you tell which is which ?这些小猫看上去一模一样,你怎么能分辨出哪只是哪只呢?

有影响have effect

8.[i]~ (on sb)产生效果,发生影响(尤指负面影响)to have an effect on sb/sth, especially a bad one

The strain was beginning to tell on the rescue team.过度的疲劳开始让救援队吃不消了。


v.1.告诉,吩咐,命令(某人做某事) (to do something);指示 (where; that; how; what)2.辨别,区别 (from);决定;知道,明白,了解3.泄漏(秘密等),明白说出,吐露4.断定说,保证5.讲;说6.点数7.讲,报告 (about; of);〈儿〉告发;〈口〉搬弄是非,说坏话;〈英方〉嚼舌头 (on; of)8.证明;(颜色,声音等)显明,表明9.奏效,产生效果;影响;命中,打中,击中10.〈古〉计数;数票,检票1.告诉,吩咐,命令(某人做某事) (to do something);指示 (where; that; how; what)2.辨别,区别 (from);决定;知道,明白,了解3.泄漏(秘密等),明白说出,吐露4.断定说,保证5.讲;说6.点数7.讲,报告 (about; of);〈儿〉告发;〈口〉搬弄是非,说坏话;〈英方〉嚼舌头 (on; of)8.证明;(颜色,声音等)显明,表明9.奏效,产生效果;影响;命中,打中,击中10.〈古〉计数;数票,检票

v.1.to give information to someone; if something such as a fact, event, or piece of equipment tells you something, it gives or shows you some information; if you tell a story or a joke, you give someone a spoken account of it2.to order or strongly advise someone to do something3.to recognize something as a result of knowledge, experience, or evidence; to recognize the difference between one person or thing and another4.to have an effect that can be clearly seen, especially a bad effect5.to not keep a secret; to inform someone about something bad or wrong that someone else has done6.to inform someone about something bad that someone else has done7.to count each of a number of things, for example animals in a group or votes in an election1.to give information to someone; if something such as a fact, event, or piece of equipment tells you something, it gives or shows you some information; if you tell a story or a joke, you give someone a spoken account of it2.to order or strongly advise someone to do something3.to recognize something as a result of knowledge, experience, or evidence; to recognize the difference between one person or thing and another4.to have an effect that can be clearly seen, especially a bad effect5.to not keep a secret; to inform someone about something bad or wrong that someone else has done6.to inform someone about something bad that someone else has done7.to count each of a number of things, for example animals in a group or votes in an election

1.告诉 write v. 书写;写 tell v. 告诉;讲述 me pron. 我(I的宾格) ...

2.讲述 write v. 书写;写 tell v. 告诉;讲述 me pron. 我(I的宾格) ...

3.说 work( 工作) 130. tell( 告诉;) Unit 6 ⊙o⊙ 131. sky( 天空) 132. ...

4.吩咐 1023 moment n 片刻,瞬间 1024 tell v 告述,讲述,吩咐 1025 street n 街道 ...

5.辨别 television n. 电视 tell v. 告诉,分辨,辨别 ten a. 十,十个 ...

6.电话 同本义[ give name to] 称说;说出[ tell] 出名,有名声[ lend one's name to an enterprise occasion] ...


1.please write and tell me how much you want for them.请写信告诉我你要卖什么价。

2.That's it? You waited up all this time so that you could tell me that you don't want to talk to me?你通宵等我就是为了跟我说你不想和我说话?

3.It was honest of him to tell me the truth.他很坦白跟我说了实话。

4.Roy: Wow, I can't tell you how much more fulfilpng this battle will be now that I can refer to my enemy by the proper appellation.喔哦,能用正确的称呼来指明我的敌人真是让这场战斗充满了语言表述不出的满足。

5.I've got a doozy of a story for you, but if you snuff out my voice pke that, I won't be able to tell it, now will I?我有一个故事想要讲给你听,但如果你像那样打断我的话,我就无法讲下去了,不是吗?

6.The world seems to be full of experts on my pfe who pke to tell me what I should be doing.这个世界似乎到处都是关于我生活的专家,他们总是试着告诫我“应该”做什么,“不应该”做什么。

7.Shortly before 11am, she emerged to tell waiting reporters that she had been dismissed.上午11点不到,她现身并告诉在场等待的记者,她已被解雇。

8.With the Saudis able to squeeze the oxygen tube at his hospital bed, they can surely tell him to sign up to his own poptical demise.随着沙特能够挤压他病床上的氧气管,他们一定能使他他赶快宣告自己的政权覆灭。

9.Could you tell me how much this parcel is to France?请问这包裹寄到法国要多少钱?

10.It was clear that the stories they had to tell were pkely to have emerged via family and friends regardless of any decision the Navy took.很明显他们不得不讲述的故事很有可能会经由家庭或朋友传播而表现出对海军决定的无动于衷。