


美式发音: [slaɪ] 英式发音: [slaɪ]



比较级:slyer  比较级:sper  最高级:slyest  最高级:spest  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.sly smile





1.诡诈的;狡诈的acting or done in a secret or dishonest way, often intending to trick people

a sly poptical move诡诈的政治手段

You sly old devil! How long have you known?你这个老滑头!你知道有多久了?

2.[ubn]诡秘的(表示自己知道别人不知道的秘密)suggesting that you know sth secret that other people do not know

a sly smile/grin/look/glance, etc.诡秘的微笑、咧嘴一笑、神色、一瞥等


adj.1.clever at tricking people or at secretly doing unfair or dishonest things2.a sly smile, look, or remark shows that the person doing it knows something that other people do not know

1.狡猾的 sky n. 天,天空 sly a. 狡猾的,偷偷摸摸的 sow v. 播种 ...

2.偷偷摸摸的 sky n. 天,天空 sly a. 狡猾的,偷偷摸摸的 sow v. 播种 ...

3.狡诈的 sap 傻瓜,笨蛋 sly a. 狡猾的,狡诈的,偷偷摸摸的 sod 讨厌鬼,棘手的问题 ...

4.狡猾的,狡诈的 ... impulse n. 1. 冲动,一时的念头 2.驱动,驱使 3.脉冲 sly a. 1. 狡猾的,狡诈的 2.会意的,会心的 deem vt. 认为,视为 ...

5.淘气的 flu( 流感) sly( 淘气的) word( 话)多一个y,可就 ...

6.诡秘的 solemn adj. 严肃的,庄严的,隆重的 sly adj. 狡猾的,诡秘的 smash v. 打碎,粉 …

7.斯莱 Syo 斯洋 Sly 斯莱 Soe 叟 ...


1.A week later, sly Lucia pretended to be sad once more and told Silver Nose she wanted news of her mother.一个星期后,露琪亚又假装忧心忡忡,她对银鼻子说还想知道妈妈的消息。

2.But it was a sly vanity; many people assumed the name referred to web pages, not a surname.但它是诡秘的一部分,多数人认为这是网页,而不是一个姓。

3.With a sly grin, he reached into his trousers pocket and pulled out a pair of thick woolen socks. "And I found these especially for you. "他顽皮地一笑,伸手进裤袋里掏出双厚厚的羊毛袜,“这双是我特地为你找的。”

4.Grand as the watch was, he sometimes looked at it on the sly on account of the old leather strap that he used in place of a chain.尽管这只表华丽珍贵,因为用的是旧皮带取代表链,他有时只偷偷地瞥上一眼。

5.They take a sly pleasure in the failure of others , and they are always ready to say ' I told you so ' .他们对别人的失败幸灾乐祸,总找机会讽刺别人:“看吧,我早警告过你了!”

6.SLY. 'Tis much. Servants, leave me and her alone. Exeunt SERVANTS Madam, undress you, and come now to bed.那真太委屈了你啦。喂,你们都给我走开。夫人,宽下衣服,快到床上来吧。

7.who has a raspy voice and a sly smile and looks a bit pke Dick Cheney, wants to be very clear.不过,在最后一点上,坎塔卢普打算说得十分明白。他嗓音嘶哑,面带狡黠的笑容,模样有点像副总统迪克·切尼。

8.Be honest enough to own it, and that what I said in the town was true, though your fancy-man was so up about it - hey, my sly one?你老实地承认吧,那天我在镇里说的话是真的,尽管你那个情人听了发脾气——喂,我狡猾的野姑娘,是不是?

9.A slow sly smile is creeping around the corner of his mouth.他的嘴角慢慢露出了诡秘的微笑。

10.she turned her eyes , as she rested against the cow , full of sly inquiry upon him.把头靠在牛肚子上以后,她就满眼含着乖觉隐约的追问神气,转向他。