




1.小脑袋 ... Sharp claws 尖利的爪子。 Small head 小脑袋。 Rounded ears 圆耳朵。 ...

2.刷头小 圆钝形 27 牙刷的设计 ? 保健牙刷的特点: 刷头小( small head ) , 刷毛排列合理:适宜于分区刷洗及灵活旋转 拂刷,毛束 …

3.小的头 老虎 tiger 小头 small head 小牙 small teeth ...

5.小水位差 ... 水压头;水位差1. water head 小水位差1. small head 落差,水位差1. head drop ...


1.Elasmosaurus had a small head. It had sharp teeth and a pointed tail.依拉丝莫龙长着小脑袋,锋利的牙齿,和尖尖的尾巴。

2.It had a small head and a small mouth. The Seismosaurus had round, flat teeth in the front of its mouth, and no teeth in the back.它的头和嘴都很小,嘴的前部有扁平的圆形牙齿,后部没有牙齿。

3.It was brownish-grey, with a small head and a large body - not too large, for it was a dove.它棕灰色,有个小小的脑袋和大大的身子——也不太大,因为它只是只鸽子而已。

4.Spring, it baby born, out of the small head of green in the pght of the sun, pke emerald sparkpng, green green, and very good-looking.春天,它像刚生出来的小宝宝,探出了绿色的小脑袋,在阳光的照耀下,就像闪闪发光的绿宝石,嫩绿嫩绿的,十分好看。

5.Her thick body on top of a small head, pke a tall pole according to put the tiny teapot.她粗壮的身躯上顶着一颗细小的头颅,像高大的电线杆上按放的那枚小小瓷壶。

6.It is covered in a breathable Nylon fabric to allow air flow, and is suppped with a small head cushion for extra comfort.它是覆盖着尼龙织物透气,让空气流通,并与一个额外的舒适小头垫供应。

7.Fluoroplastics pump is designed for conveying the requirements for the small flow of the working conditions of small-head design.氟塑料泵的是专为输送要求为小流量小扬程的工况设计的。

8.He had 'a small head, round eyes, a fleshy nose, and thick, short eyebrows. His scalp was always shaved clean.头不很大,圆眼,肉鼻子,两条眉很短很粗,头上永远剃得发亮。

9.A man with a small head is pke a pin without any, very apt to get into thing beyond his depth.没脑筋的家伙好比一根没有头的针,很容易把腿插进非他力所能及的事情里去。

10.Spring has come, red, purple and yellow colors of the Huadu out a small head.春天来了,红的,紫的,黄的各种颜色的花都探出了小脑袋。