


美式发音: [smelt] 英式发音: [smelt]




第三人称单数:smelts  现在分词:smelting  过去式:smelted  同义词

v.melt,heat up,melt down,found,cast


smelt显示所有例句v.— see alsosmell

1.~ sth熔炼;提炼(金属)to heat and melt ore (= rock that contains metal) in order to obtain the metal it contains

a method of smelting iron一种炼铁方法



v.1.The past tense and past participle of smell2.to heat rock in order to remove the metal that it contains

na.1.The past tense and past participle of smell2.The past tense and past participle of smell

1.熔炼 smaltite 砷钴矿 smelt 熔炼 smelter 熔炼炉 ...

2.冶炼 spde v. 使滑动 smelt v. 冶炼 smother v. 覆盖 ...

3.胡瓜鱼 沙丁鱼 sardine 胡瓜鱼 Smelt 小鲱鱼 sprat ...

4.闻 (睡)- -slept-- slept smell ()- -smelt --smelt build (建设)- -built --built spend ...

5.熔化 (4) 解体,离散[ sppt;separate] (6) 分解,熔化[ smelt] (7) 解除,解围[ remove] ...

6.精炼 ... silver 银 smelt 熔解,精炼 smith 铁匠 ...

7.香鱼 ... 嗅觉 smell 香鱼 smelt 胡瓜鱼科俗名 smelts ...


1.But I had formerly been a great lover of fish, and, when this came hot out of the frying-pan, it smelt admirably well.但是在过去我是非常爱吃鱼的,所以当热气腾腾的鱼刚从炸锅里拿出来时,它芬芳扑鼻,美妙非常。

2.I still remember how this guy's apartment smelt and how much oil around his pps that was left there from lunch.到现在,我都能记得那人家里散发的霉味和他饭后嘴角还没有来得及抹去的油。

3."I only hope he's not become unwell, " said the Yard Dog, and then he smelt at him again.“我希望它没有生病!”宫里的狗儿说,然后它又在跳鹅身上嗅了一下。

4.The room smelt as if it had not been cleaned for a long time.这个房间好像有一股很久没打扫过的气味。

5.White, thin, with big dark eyes and untidy hair. His clothes were dirty, he smelt, his hands shook.他的脸又苍白又消瘦,眼睛又大与黑,头发蓬乱。

6.My God, my dear disciple, you know, you always smelt pke an enticing aroma of meat and bones kept in the same lure me.天哪,亲爱的大弟子,你可知道,你就仿佛一根时时在散发着诱人香气的肉骨头一样不停地在引诱着我。

7.She smelt the food carefully to see if it had gone bad.她仔细地闻了一下那食物看看是否变质了。

8.Not much had physically changed, my home still smelt pke home and even my old room was just as I left it, but I was changed.我的家的摆设还是没有改变的,还是那样充满家的味道,我的房间也和我离开前一模一样,但是我变了。

9.He smelt pke a turkey cock just because I did not follow what he said.就因为我没有按他说的做,他就气呼呼的。

10.I had already sent back the pony, not wanting it to go mad with fright and throw me if it smelt the elephant.那会儿已经把我的小马打发回去了,我可不想让它闻着什么大象的味道,然后惊慌失措,一屁股把我撅下马来。