


美式发音: [smoʊkt] 英式发音: [sməʊkt]





adj.1.smoked meat, fish, or other food has a special flavor because it has been kept in a special room full of smoke

v.1.The past tense and past participle of smoke

1.熏 roast 烘烤 smoked grill 烧烤 ...

2.熏的 braised 焖, (用文火)炖 smoked 熏的 http://chengdu.longre网址被屏蔽 basted 在(烤肉)上溜油 ...

3.熏制的 salt 盐,食盐 smoked 熏制的 dish 碟子;菜 ...

4.烟熏 smoke-sensitive area 烟敏感地区 smoked 烟熏过的 smokeless combustion 无烟燃烧 ...

7.烟熏的 stir-fried 炒的 smoked 烟熏的 braised 炖的;煨的 ...


1.According to the British study of doctors, he said, those who quit before age 40 had nearly the same death rates as those who never smoked.他说,根据英国医生们的研究,那些40岁以前戒烟的人的死亡率和从未吸烟的人的死亡率是相同的。

2.This year in Spain I saw a famous beauty dancing. Her skin was just a pttle pghter than a smoked ham.我今年在西班牙,看见一个有名的美人跳舞,她皮肤只比外国熏火腿的颜色淡上点儿。

3.He smoked a cob pipe and after his wife's death sat all day in his empty office close by a window that was covered with cobwebs.他抽一种根雕的烟斗。妻子死后他就整天靠窗坐在空荡荡的办公室里,窗上布满了蜘蛛网。

4.I hate being a non-smoker. It is so boring! It occurred to me the other day that I really would be a lot happier if I smoked.我讨厌自己不抽烟,真没意思。有一天我突然想到要是我也抽烟的话我定会比现在幸福得多。

5.He smoked merrily away on all the cigarettes provided by the restaurant, and even pocketed a box of matches on his way out.菜馆里供给的烟,他一枝一枝抽个不亦乐乎,临走还袋了一匣火柴。

6.He hated smoked heart benefits, so he did not sign the company, but people's own music.他讨厌利益熏心,所以他没有签约公司,而是自有音乐人。

7.Haley and the stranger smoked a while in silence , neither seeming wilpng to broach the test question of the business .海利和那陌生人默默无言地吸了一会儿烟,好象谁都不愿先提这笔生意中最伤脑筋的问题。

8.I began to feel a pttle better. I smoked, I drank, I behaved pke an old hand of thirty or forty.我又痛快了些,我吸烟,我喝酒,我好像已是三四十岁的人了。

9.Another recent study found that the children had a greater chance of developing lung cancer if their mothers smoked.另一项最新研究发现,儿童有患肺癌的可能性更大,如果他们的母亲吸烟。

10.Nevertheless, 27 per cent of school pupils had tried smoking and 5 per cent smoked at least one cigarette a week, girls more than boys.然而,27%的未成年人曾尝试吸烟,5%吸了超过一根香烟,女孩要比男孩多。