


美式发音: [ˈsmʌðər] 英式发音: [ˈsmʌðə(r)]




第三人称单数:smothers  现在分词:smothering  过去式:smothered  同义词反义词





1.~ sb (with sth)捂死;闷死to kill sb by covering their face so that they cannot breathe

He smothered the baby with a pillow.他用枕头把婴儿闷死了。

2.~ sth/sb with/in sth(用某物)厚厚地覆盖to cover sth/sb thickly or with too much of sth

a rich dessert smothered in cream涂了厚厚一层奶油的多脂甜点

She smothered him with kisses.她劈头盖脑给他一通狂吻。

3.~ sth抑制;扼杀;忍住to prevent sth from developing or being expressed

to smother a yawn/giggle/grin把哈欠忍了回去;憋住不笑出声来;刚想张嘴笑又收了回去

The voices of the opposition were effectively smothered.反对党的声音被有效地压制了下去。

4.~ sb(因溺爱等)使…觉得压抑to give sb too much love or protection so that they feel restricted

Her husband was very loving, but she felt smothered.丈夫对她百般宠爱,但这让她觉得不自在。

5.~ sth把(火)闷熄to make a fire stop burning by covering it with sth

He tried to smother the flames with a blanket.他试图用毯子把火扑灭。



v.1.to cover someone or something completely; to put out a fire by covering it2.to kill someone by covering their face until they stop breathing3.to try not to express a feepng4.to express your love for someone too much1.to cover someone or something completely; to put out a fire by covering it2.to kill someone by covering their face until they stop breathing3.to try not to express a feepng4.to express your love for someone too much

1.窒息 3,peak―― 山顶 4,smother―― 窒息 5,roof―― 屋顶 ...

2.使窒息 change 改变 smother 使窒息 candidate 候选人 ...

3.老妈爱死你 wither 枯萎,凋零 smother 覆盖,(使)闷死 pother 烦恼,喧闹 ...

5.闷死 wither 枯萎,凋零 smother 覆盖,(使)闷死 pother 烦恼,喧闹 ...

6.抑制 smear v. 涂;敷;弄脏.n.污点;涂片 smother v. 使窒息;透不过气来;忍住;抑制 smuggle v. 走私,私运 ...

7.忍住 smear v. 涂;敷;弄脏.n.污点;涂片 smother v. 使窒息;透不过气来;忍住;抑制 smuggle v. 走私,私运 ...

8.扼杀 2迂回: circuity 3扼杀smother 4掩饰: conceal ...


1.Musharraf's sinking popularity has spurred speculation that he might declare a state of emergency to smother vocal opposition.穆沙拉夫声望的下降促使他想发表一份紧急声明来遏制那些反对的声音。

2.As his teammates sprinted to smother him in an ecstatic scrum, several Ghanaians slumped to the field.当队友们狂喜地冲过去拥着他的时候,几名加纳人跪在了场地上。

3.He didn't stare into her eyes or smother her the way Barry had, but he made it clear that he was available.他并没有象巴里那样一直凝视她的眼睛或让她透不过气来,但他很明显非常在乎她。

4.The volume that had been displaced was enough to smother the bottom of the entire river.被偏移了的容量是窒息整个河的底部的足够。

5.Remind yourself that you're not the only one your kids are home to see. Try not to smother them.提醒自己孩子回家来要看的人不止自己一个,尽量不要过度要求学生。

6.Ah-3 thought, "If I don't get out of here pretty soon, I'll smother before I starve. "阿三想,“如果我不赶快从井里出去,在我饿死之前就会被憋闷死了。”

7.By creating value, a powerful message, you can get people to come to you, instead of trying to smother them with your message and brand.通过创造价值和有能量的信息,你就会让大家都来到你的面前。不要通过自己的信息和标签来压制大家。

8.No one should mourn the "LDP system" , with its corruption and back-room deapng, and its capacity to smother the countryside in concrete.由于自民党贪污,幕后交易,及农村城镇化政策,没有人会为“自民党制度”的垮台哀悼。

9.Many people also find repef in over-eating, trying to numb their anxiety with too much ice cream or smother it in cheese sauce.很多人还用暴食减压,试着用过多的冰激凌来麻痹或靠起司酱来抑制他们的焦虑。

10.The Democrat-controlled Congress has been trying to smother the programme by removing funding.由民主党控制的国会已经在尝试通过撤销基金阻碍这个计划进行。