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n.1.in Roman mythology, the goddess of the hearth.2.the brightest and third largest of the asteroids that orbit the Sun


2.维斯塔 Corey( 蔻纳) Vesta( 维丝塔)(罗马神话) Aaron( 亚伦) ...

4.女灶神亵渎女灶神Vesta)的指控,拼命打听担任裁判官的那些议员、军官和护民官的性格嗜好,然后通过朋友暗中安排馈赠,为他 …

5.女灶神维斯塔女灶神维斯塔Vesta)是朱庇特的姐妹之一,掌管土地和家庭的圣洁女神。海神尼普顿和太阳神阿波罗都曾向她求婚,但是她 …

6.维斯塔女神在古罗马,维斯塔贞女是侍奉圣火维斯塔女神(Vesta)的女祭司,因奉圣职的 30 年内须保持贞洁而得名,她们的主要任务是维护 …


1.Ceres, too, is spherical and probably divided into core and mantle, though the mantle seems to be wetter than that of Vesta.虽然谷神星的地幔好像比灶神星的地幔要潮湿的多,但谷神星也是球形的,并可能被划分为地核和地幔。

2.About one in every 20 meteorites that falls on the surface of the Earth is probably a bit of Vesta.落在地球的陨石中,每二十块中就约有一块可能来自灶神星。

3.After a year of studying Vesta, Dawn is scheduled to leave orbit and, in 2015, approach the only asteroid-belt object that is larger: Ceres.一年后,黎明号探测器将离开灶神星的轨道,计划在2015年到达谷神星,它是小行星带中唯一一颗比灶神星大的小行星。

4.She was thinking of Vesta, of her ungrateful attitude toward Lester, of his final decision never to marry her.她一边做事,一边想到味丝搭,想到自己对不起雷斯脱,想到他已经决定不跟她结婚。

5.Vesta's pale, waxen face told the story. She was breathing faintly, her eyes closed.她就急忙赶到女儿房中,一看女儿面色白得同蜡一般,呼吸微弱,眼睛也闭了。

6.After a year in orbit around Vesta, Dawn will travel on to the dwarf planet Ceres.在环绕灶神星的轨道运行一年后,“黎明”号将飞向矮行星谷神星(Ceres)。

7.In the case of Vesta, telescopes have spied evidence for the eruption of lava (basalt) on its surface.就灶神星而言,望远镜曾发现过它表面喷发过玄武岩岩浆的证据。

8.Gerhardt would fasten on one of her pttle hoods, for in these days Jennie kept Vesta's wardrobe beautifully replete .那时葛婆子就会给她戴上一个小风兜,因为珍妮已经把味丝搭的衣饰备得很充足。

9.It will get as close as 110 miles while it orbits Vesta for a year.而后,在围绕灶神星为期一年的运行中,二者的距离将近至110英里。

10.The time of Dawn's capture depended on Vesta's mass and gravity, which only has been estimated until now.曙光号被俘获的时间取决于维斯塔的质量和引力,到目前为止它们只是估计值。