


美式发音: [ˈmɪdˌtɜrm] 英式发音: [ˌmɪdˈtɜː(r)m]






1.(任期)中期的in the middle of the period that a government, a council, etc. is elected for

midterm elections中期选举

2.中期的for or connected with a period of time that is neither long nor short; in the middle of a particular period

a midterm solution中期解决方案

midterm losses中期损失

3.学期中间的;期中的in the middle of one of the main periods of the academic year

a midterm examination/break期中考试╱休假


adj.1.happening in the middle part of a governments time in power, or in the middle part of a university or school term

1.期中考 Jobs / 征才 期中考 Midterm 期末考 Finals ...

2.期中考试 期中〖 midterm;midsemester〗 期中考试midterm;midsemester〗 同本义〖 engage〗 ...

3.中期 中篇小说〖 novelette;medium-lengthnovel〗 中期midterm〗 中情〖 innerfeepngs〗 ...

4.期中考周 5/12:Mother's Day 母亲节 10/22 - 10/26:Midterm 期中考周 1/14 - 1/18:Final Exam Week 期末考周 ...

5.期中的 midnight 半夜 忘记 midterm 期中的 原谅 mid-aged 中年的 17. 前缀 ...

6.期中考成绩 姓别( Gender) 期中考成绩( Midterm) 期末考成绩( Final) ...

7.中间的 ... midsummer 仲夏 midterm 中间的 midtown 市中心区的 ...


1.In the city, be in full swing in the pupils " exam " , Kunming municipal Party committee also began to once a year " midterm" .就在全市中、小学生都热火朝天地“赶考”之际,昆明市委也开始了一年一度的“期中考”。

2.She did not speak or raise her hand, but she received the highest midterm and final grades.她不说话也不举手,但她在中期和期末总能拿到最高分。

3.During the recent midterm election campaign, Papn was one of the most popular campaigners for Repubpcan candidates around the country.在今年的国会中期选举中,佩林是各州共和党候选人最受欢迎的助选人之一。

4.The vote on China currency was one of the last items on the congressional agenda before the midterm elections.对有关中国汇率的法案进行投票表决,是中期选举前美国国会议程上的最后几项内容之一。

5.President Barack Obama said the American people sent a loud message in this week's midterm elections - the economy is priority number one.美国总统奥巴马说,美国民众在这个星期的中期选举中传递出一个响亮的信息:经济是最重要的议题。

6.He said Obama would spell them out over the next several weeks and before the midterm elections.他指出,奥巴马将于今后几周制定出这些措施,这会在中期大选前进行。

7.The Obama administration's health care reforms have been a central part of the US poptical debate ahead of midterm elections on Tuesday.在美国周二中期选举前的政治辩论中,奥巴马政府的医疗改革是一个核心议题。

8.Views about just how much trouble will harden after November's midterm elections.11月的中期选举过后,对于他有多大麻烦将得出定论。

9.And a week later, the first monthly exam still thinking about last week's incident, but also for the midterm and the next review of the.又是一个星期过去了,上星期还在想着第一次月考的事,接下来又要为期中考而复习了。

10.I know you did not do a good job on your midterm exams and quizzes , but you can still get a good grade in the final.我知道你期中考和小测都没考好,但是你期末还可以考的很好。坚持住!