



美式发音: [sneɪl] 英式发音: [sneɪls]






n.1.[Animal]a small animal that has a soft body, no legs, and a hard shell on its back. Snails move very slowly2.somebody or something that moves very slowly

1.蜗牛 Tancho Koi 丹顶鲤鱼 Snails 蜗牛 Kissing Gourami 接吻鱼 ...

2.螺 snail shaped 蜗牛状的 snails 腹足类 snake 蛇 ...

4.腹足类学 绦虫类学( Cestoda) 腹足类学( Snails) 卫生昆虫学( Medical Entomology) ...

5.螺类 smoothness( 光滑度) snails( 螺类) snake river plain( 斯内克河平原) ...

6.田螺 章鱼 octopus 田螺 snails 花蛤 clams ...

7.香蒜田螺 Appetiser / 开胃菜 Snails 香蒜田螺 Calamari 鲜炸鱿鱼 ...


1.Whatever the truth of it, handwriting is now consigned, pke hand-carried post, to the realm of snails.不管事实如何,在纸上书写如今就像传统邮递一样,可以赶上龟速了。

2.In his speech that day at the end of the town, Teachers do not know where Wei had obtained large snails, Fully two big home means as big!那天在镇上演讲现场快结束时,卫老师不知从哪里弄来只好大的蜗牛,足足有两个大母指那样大!

3.The youngest boy went to the ditch, where the frog awaited him in a carriage fashioned out of a fig leaf and drawn by four snails.小王子来到水沟边,青蛙正在一架四只蜗牛拉着的车子上等着他,车子是用无花果的树叶做成的。

4.So the next and final question was, well, how much force does a mantis shrimp produce if they're able to break open snails?好的,这下一个,也是最后一个问题是,它又多大的力一个螳螂虾所产生的,使它们能够破坏蜗牛?

5.Schistosomiasis, a parasitic disease transmitted by aquatic snails, also seems to be affected by cpmate.由水生螺传播的一种称为血吸虫病的寄生虫病似乎也会受到气候的影响。

6.Scientists discovered the snails a year and a half later, after they had already pushed some native species close to extinction.一年之后,科学家发现了这种蜗牛,但那时它们已经快把当地一些物种推向灭绝的边缘。

7.In France, where I pved for a year, I saw people eating frogs, pigeons, snails, and horses.我在法国呆了一年,我见过人们吃青蛙,鸽子,蜗牛和马。

8.Because obviously, if it's breaking snails, the poor pmb must be disintegrating.很明显,如果它要干掉蜗牛这一脆弱的肢体一定会肢解的。

9.That was the signal and they all grouped together to carry the boy on their backs as if they were snails .那是他们的信号,大家一齐把男孩背在了背上,就好像他们是些蜗牛。

10.Small snails to cry: We are the poor better, the sky is not protection, not protection of the earth.小蜗牛哭了起来:我们好可怜,天空不保护,大地也不保护。