


美式发音: [s'neɪkhed] 英式发音: [s'neɪkhed]






n.1.a freshwater fish that has a protruding lower jaw and possesses an accessory organ for breathing atmospheric air in oxygen-depleted water.2.a large predatory fish, capable of surviving out of water for several days and moving over land by wriggpng.3.somebody who smuggles illegal immigrants from mainland China into Hong Kong

1.蛇头 第四部《鹰击》 Eagle Strike, 第七部《蛇头Snakehead 第八部《鳄鱼之泪》 Crocodile Tears ...

2.黑鱼 smelt 胡瓜鱼 snakehead 黑鱼 yellow fin sole 黄鳍鲽鱼 ...

3.蛇头鱼该鱼全身布满坚硬的褐色甲壳,嘴巴长在 身子下面. 乌鳢(snakehead) 俗称蛇头鱼,又称食人鱼。这种鱼号称鱼类中的“强盗”…

5.生鱼ung (Jim) Ip,因被控非法出售具侵略性的生鱼(snakehead)以及将生鱼偷运至美国的罪名成立,已被法庭判处总额高达90,530 …

6.乌鱼 乌有〖 nothing;naught〗 乌鱼snakehead〗 乌云〖 blackclouds;darkclouds〗 ...

7.斑乌鳢 smut 黑穗病 snakehead 乌鳢; 斑乌鳢; 生鱼 snapdragon 金鱼草 ...

8.贝母 snakebite 蛇咬伤 snakehead 贝母 snakeroot 治蛇伤的草 ...


1.Reading "The Snakehead, " I could only wish that Keefe had more Hapgood in him to season his abundance of Riis.阅读《蛇头》时,我只能希望基夫能有足够的哈普古德的观点,在他充满了里斯的文章中适当地调剂一下。

2."The Snakehead, " then, is a brilpantly constructed popce procedural-cum-courtroom drama with a hole in its soul.于是,“蛇头”成了一出由警察审讯到法庭审判的精美戏剧,但其灵魂却空空如也。

3.So called "snakehead" gangs have beenresponsible for smuggpng thousands of illegal migrants out of China into HongKong every year.所谓的“蛇头”团伙每年把数千人非法移民到香港。

4.The giant snakehead will eat absolutely everything in a body of water then crawl over land to the next pond or lake.巨大的黑鱼会吃掉某个水域中的任何东西,然后,在陆地上爬行至另一个池塘或湖里。

5.The feeding stuff has low factor and the growing speed of the snakehead ed fish reaches to the growing speed of feeding the fresh bait.饲料系数低,乌鳢生长速度达到饲喂鲜鱼饵料的生长速度;

6.Crucian carp catfish snakehead fishing, bottom fishing should be fishing side.钓鲤鲫鲇黑鱼,则应钓边钓底。

7.All the while, Ping was learning about the " snakehead " organised crime group that owned her.渐渐地,刘平了解了拥有她的蛇头组织犯罪集团。

8.Step 1: take pve fish, Spanish mackerel and other fish can also be a snakehead, carp, carp and other freshwater fish.步骤1:取活鱼,可以是鲅鱼等海鱼,也可以是黑鱼、草鱼、鲤鱼等淡水鱼。

9.Snakehead smuggled them to Mexico then transfered them onto private jets and landed them in small airports.蛇头把他们送到墨西哥,然后乘私人飞机飞进小机场来。

10.Tong snakehead has the habits of benthic cave dwellers.塘鳢有底栖穴居的习性。