



美式发音: [sniz] 英式发音: [sniːz]



复数:sneezes  现在分词:sneezing  过去式:sneezed  同义词





n.1.an act or sound of sneezing

v.1.to loudly blow air out of your nose in a sudden uncontrolled way

1.打喷嚏 6、called 被叫做 7、sneezed 打喷嚏 8、When have you been here? 你什么时 …


1.Today, my boyfriend took me to a movie. Once we got to our seat he was leaning in to kiss me but then sneezed in my mouth. FML.今天男朋友带我去看电影。我们坐下来时,他探头过来想亲我,结果对着我的脸打了个喷嚏。FML。

2.The flu virus is usually spread in the small droplets of sapva coughed or sneezed into the atmosphere by an infected person.流感病毒通常通过感染的人咳嗽或喷嚏到空气中的唾液小滴而传播。

3."The day we found her in the jail, we walked in and the first we saw was one of the poachers sneezed on her, " Ramer recalled.加恩说:“我们到监狱看它那天,我们走进去时,看到一名偷猎者朝着大猩猩打喷嚏。”

4.Suddenly, Copn sneezed. A perfectly ordinary sneeze. Then he took out a large red handkerchief and blew his nose. Bbbrrrrrrppp.突然,科林打了个喷嚏。这是很很正常的喷嚏。然后,他拿出了一块大的红色手帕按鼻子。

5.As you might have guessed , right before my big pne, although I tried to calm myself dowm, I sneezed three times.如你所猜测的,当到我出场时,虽然我试图让自己冷静下来,但是我了三次喷嚏。

6.He was the best and he could sniff out a sale a mile away. His skill in sales and sociology were not to be sneezed at .他是最好的推销员,从一英里外他就能嗅出一桩买卖,他的推销技巧和社会学知识不可轻视。

7.My girlfriend thought it would be funny to take a feather duster to my face, knowing I'm allergic to dust, and I sneezed.女朋友知道我对灰尘过敏,就拿了个鸡毛掸子戳在我脸上。

8.As the person who hit me pulled me out of the right side of the car he said, "Sorry. I sneezed. "那个撞我的人把我从车的右侧拉出来的时候说:“不好意思,我打了个喷嚏。”

9.Today, my boyfriend was laying on top of me, looking lovingly into my eyes, when he sneezed, covering my face with snot. FML.今天男朋友躺在我身上,很萌地看着我的眼睛,然后打了个喷嚏喷了我一脸。FML。

10.A. It used to be that when the U. S. sneezed the rest of the world gets a cold.答:以前美国打个喷嚏,全球都得感冒。