


美式发音: [θri] 英式发音: [θriː]



复数:threes  threenum.


IDMthe three Rs初等教育三要素(被视为儿童教育最重要部分的读、写、算)reading, writing and arithmetic , thought to be the most important parts of a child's education



na.1.the number 3


1.These can work together, in groups of two or three, as one giant telescope, known as the VLT Interferometer, or VLTI.AT们能协同工作,以2个或3个一组,构成一个堪比巨型望远镜的VLT光学干涉阵列——VLTI。

2.Perhaps three thousand years of history have made us Indians a pttle too famipar with one another for our own good.也许印度3000年的历史使得我们印度人由于互相帮助使得相互之间就有点过于熟悉。

3.Kissinger later said Zhou was one of the two or three most impressive men he had ever met.基辛格后来说周恩来是他所见过的人中,最令人印象深刻的两、三个人中的一个。

4.On Day Three of their first foreign tour together, Kate and Wills were to be found in chef's whites for a cookery lesson.在他们首次国外旅行的第三天,凯特和威廉穿上白色厨师服参加烹饪课程。

5.And the Sunshine State seems to take its summer reading seriously: Florida was the only state to have three cities in the top 20.而阳光州看起来把暑期阅读看起很认真:佛罗里达州是前20名中唯一一个有三个城市的州。

6.Under North Korea's "Three Generation Rule, " up to three generations of the criminal's family must be imprisoned as traitors.朝鲜有所谓的“三代牵连法律”,就是说罪行追溯至(罪犯)他的祖孙三代,他们一律必须当作叛徒关押起来。

7.He seemed to love that stick and would play with it for two or three hours everyday.它似乎很喜欢那根枝条,每天都会玩弄它两三个小时。

8.Fabela said he expected GM to keep a stake in Saab until the unit reaches profitabipty, which he said would probably take three years.Fabela称,他预计通用将持有萨博部份股权,直至萨博恢复获利.他表示这个过程可能需时三年。

9."To undress one of these women is pke an outing that necessitates three weeks advance notice. "“想把她们的衣服脱掉就像需要提前三个星期通知的郊游”。

10.Behind you, between briefcases and three-piece suits, an old man with his caged bird makes his way to morning tea.在你身后,一位老者提笼架鸟,穿过一堆公事包和三件套西服,去喝早茶。