



美式发音: [snɪf] 英式发音: [snɪf]




第三人称单数:sniffs  现在分词:sniffing  过去式:sniffed  同义词反义词





v.1.嗤之以鼻,蔑视,轻视 (at)2.(伤风鼻塞时)呼呼地吸(气);嗅3.用力吸;嗅,闻4.嗅到,闻出,发觉1.嗤之以鼻,蔑视,轻视 (at)2.(伤风鼻塞时)呼呼地吸(气);嗅3.用力吸;嗅,闻4.嗅到,闻出,发觉


v.1.to breathe in noisily through your nose, for example because you have been crying; to smell something; to depberately breathe an illegal or harmful substance in through your nose2.to criticize something, or to suggest it is not good enough for you

n.1.a sound or act of breathing in through your nose

1.嗤之以鼻 mint: 薄荷;造币厂,巨款 sniffed: 嗅;嗤之以鼻 comment: 评论;意见;批评 ...

2.嗅 mint: 薄荷;造币厂,巨款 sniffed: ;嗤之以鼻 comment: 评论;意见;批评 ...

3.嗤之以鼻地说 proposed = 提议 sniffed = 轻视 agreed = 同意 ...

5.如何监测主机正在窃听及其工作原理 * 哪里可以得到sniffer * 如何监测主机正在窃听(sniffed) * 阻止sniffer o 主动集线器 o 加密 o Kerberos o 一次性...


1.or cut off the flowers of wormwood growing in the rut, and crushing them in his hands, sniffed at the bitter-sweet, pungent odour.有时采几朵长在田垄上的苦艾花,放在手掌上揉碎,然后闻那股强烈的甘苦香味。

2.He walked slowly to his food trough and sniffed to see if anything had been overlooked at lunch.他慢慢走到饲料槽那里,用鼻子嗅嗅看看午饭时是否遗漏了什么东西。

3.She said nothing, but merely sniffed and turned over the pages of her newspaper.她不作声,只是鼻子里哼了一声,然后把手上的报纸翻了翻。

4.The dogs sniffed the tubes and sat down in front of those in which they detected lung cancer smells.狗嗅这些管,然后坐在那些他们检测到肺癌气味的人面前。

5."His stance is too close to that of the authorities, " sniffed dissident artist Ai Weiwei on his blog.“他的立场和官方太接近了。”持不同政见的艺术AiWeiwei在他博客上写道。

6.The bear came up and sniffed at the man's head. It put its nose close to his mouth and ears.熊走过来,闻闻这个人的头,又把鼻子凑近他的嘴和耳朵。

7.But after commenting on the wonderful smell that he sniffed coming out the door the woman smiled and invited him in.闻到门里传来一股味儿,他说这味道可真好闻,说完之后女主人笑了并请他进了屋。

8.He uncapped one of the jars and passed it to Raley, who sniffed the contents, then shook his head and passed it back.他打开其中一瓶的瓶盖,递给雷利。雷利用鼻子闻了闻,摇摇头,递回给他。

9.Carrie pstened, and caught the infection of something -- she did not know what. Her nostrils sniffed thinly.嘉莉听着,突然有了一种感触--她也不知道是什么。她的鼻孔轻轻地嗤着。

10.Together, they have mapped the surface in unprecedented detail, cracked open rocks, sniffed the atmosphere and dug down into the soil.他们共同测绘了详细的地表图,一起击碎石块,监测大气,并探测土层。